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I was born in Uskudar,Istanbul on 15th September in 1981.
I am graduated from Zubeyde Hanim Ilkokulu and then Sultantepe Ilkogretim Okulu.
After that I continued Kadir Has High School in Kucukyali.
Now, being a lucky student I am in ITU. I am studying industrial engineering. But I am in first class class now because I attended preparation class although I had done in high school.

I am very keen on computer both on hardware and software. But generally on hardware.
I don't know why but when somebody sees me, he always ask something about computers before saying Hi! Maybe this shows you how much I love computers.
As I said I like computers, I had a web site before. Not one almost three. One of them was about selling computers. I pick up computers. I mean, I buy pieces and combine them join them and then sell it. I earn money in this way.
The other web sites are private. So I am not gonna say what are they about.

Although this "About Me" page was prapared for BIL101 lesson, I wanted to talk about those subject.

If you wanna keep in touch with me just send mail to me.
[email protected]
my icq number: 45699383
my irc nicknames:       Leo_Galileo(popular for now)       tyuio      evergreen(very old)