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Crusader No Mercy
Yes there is a third Crusader game on it's way with a brand spanking new gameplay option "Multiplayer".

It's going to be huge, people are already sorting out league teams for people to join either the Resistance or the WEC.

There hasn't been much news about it yet because i've heard it's set to come out in 2003 "DAMN" but still this gives everyone time to gather teams and adapt new strategies.

I will try to get perrmission for a screenshot for No Mercy but i can tell you the game looks the same as the older 2 which is a relief for me but some other people might tut and mutter under their breath thinking whats wrong with Origin theyr'e living in the past. Theyr'e wrong. In my opinion Crusader has emensly high graphic detail which can still compete with modern games. The only thing it's lacking is good controls which hopefully they will improve in the 3rd helping of the best game ever!!!!