Hints+Tips |
If you don't use cheats and play want to play Crusader to it's full extent then youv'e
come to the right place. If your being overwehlmed be WEC guards then take a few tips from here. If you start to pick up mail me if you have any good tactics or strategies of your own and i'll put them on. |
-Try to decapitate as few bodies as possible. This way you'll end up with more possessions.
In the later levels where you visit offices do not decapitate the civilians.
The most credits i've got from one is 100. -If you don't have a keycard for a door don't blow it up straight away. Look around, if there are guards swarming the area behind the door it's best to go find the card you need rather than setting of the alarm and letting more guards come. -If you see camera's in a room with a mech station nearby plant some land mines outside the station then if your not successful in destroying the cameras the release of the mech wll result in it either getting weakened or destroyed by the mine. (You can always pick your land mines up if the mech didn't come out). -Always try to keep the alarms off. Don't run to switch it off there are guards advancing. Try to kill them all then as soon as you can switch it off. -To avoid cameras roll out and take shots when it's not facing you completely. If you cannot get the right angle on it use a shotgun (SG-A1) because the spread on the gun will eventually destroy it. Also you can use an explosive weapon preferably the AR-7 because the gun splits 3 rockets when it fires and causes an explosion so you'll be sure to get it. -Another way to destroy anything without it seeing you are spider bombs. Spider bombs are great little devices. They can scuttle under laser wires round barrels anything. Once you've mastered how to use them you can manuvor round anything. Your best bet is to use them on generators you can't reach and cameras. -The best way to use land mines apart from placing them outside mech stations is to plant them outside of doors that don't close. Guards usually come from behind and start to fire at you usually when your in a firefight which can get really annoying due to the controls of Crusader. So remember to plant them. -After a few levels you'll get more powerful equipment and weapons. My advice is to carry these weapons. one Bullet Weapon to just kill of any weaker guards roaming around (RP-32), one shell weapon to destroy cameras and large groups of soldiers (AC-88), 2 Energy weapons (PL-1,UV-9) To destroy mechs and shielded guards and 1 explosive weapon (GL-303) to reach guards behind cover also for mechs and cameras. -Have no mercy when killing civilians remember they could go to an alarm switch and plus they always have a few credits. -If you need cover always find it. If it's behind explosive barrels stay there and by the time they get weakened you'll have enough time to think where to run to next. But don't stay there long. If you are covering from powerful enemies then never use destructible cover because they will destroy it leaving you open and the time you run to somewhere else they either would have killed you or seriously weakened you. -If there are guards in a room that are waiting for you go close to the door and use side-step. Side-step out and fire then side-step back keep doing this, if this doesn't work see how many guards are in the room and where they are. Then do a forward roll through the room, this way your gun will be out and ready for you to fire straight away. -Keep your shield energy to it's max at all times. This will protect you from enemy fire but only bullets and laser weapons. If a guard has a GL-303 then make sure your health is at it's highest. -If guards have GL-303's or are ducking down throwing grenades at you (which is really just an A-R7) find indestructible cover and either roll out and shoot or almost always use a spider bomb. When guards do have these weapons they fire them at an incredibly fast rate so your best bet is to wait till they stop firing which they do for a few moments roll out and get as many hits on them. -If there is a gun turret or a camera or anything else that cannot be destroyed because it's covered by a force field it's always a generator that you have to destroy. They are green cylinder tubes with a few wires on them and the rest that you need to destroy. Try to destroy them normally with your gun but if you can't reach it use a spider bomb. |
These are my hints and tips so far. if any of you have any good ones mail them to
me. |