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Frontside Feeble Grind



1. Get a hat. To do this trick Ed Templeton-style, get a red or orange mesh trucker hat. If you want to do it Big Willy-style, get yourself a crusher. Then bring yourself and some frontside boardslide skills to the rail.

2. Use moderate speed and roll up right next to the obstacle.

3. Ollie up and concentrate on getting your back truck on the bar, but turn a little bit like a frontside boardslide.

4. Here's the tricky part: You want to keep most of your weight on your back truck while applying a little bit of pressure from your front foot to get locked in Get the feel for the feeble, and lock it in.

5. Lock and grind, baby! Lock and grind.

6. The end is near! Quick, lift off your back truck and prepare for landing.

7. Absorb the massive impact.

8. Ride it out.

9. Ahhhh yeah! Get another hat and learn another trick.







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