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©Maxim Online Hey guys� Kim�s web-site is up and running�
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Kim Smith: Hello everybody! Yes, it�s really me. (LOL)

Wassup: Are you popular in high school?
Kim Smith:(LOL) Yeah, I guess. I hang with a lot of different people.

Joefling: As soon as I saw you on the cover of Maxim, you melted my heart.
Kim Smith:Ohh�how sweet.

31jimmy: How do you deal with all the publicity you get?
Kim Smith:I have a great circle of friends, and my parents help me as well...
They all help me figure things out.

Dkdfw: What�s the most romantic thing anybody�s done for you?
Kim Smith: On my birthday they sent me flowers and cookies�Chocolate Chip!

Kevin410: Kim, do you think you will do any acting in the future?
Kim Smith:Yeah, probably. I enjoy modeling right now. Do you like NSYNC?
Kim Smith: I just did the NSYNC video and it was really cool. What music do you listen to?
Kim Smith: All kinds�everything. I listen to Kid Rock.

Bmbeers24: What model did you look up to before getting started in the business?
Kim Smith: Claudia Schiffer.

Novin: What part of Texas are you from?
Kim Smith: West Texas. Midland?
Kim Smith: Odessay. So� you don�t like football do you?
Kim Smith: I love football� My school was where Friday Night Lights was based�the book.

Bob di sosha: Who�s in your CD player right now?
Kim Smith: Tori Amos and Savage Garden. Who�s is your favorite football team?
Kim Smith: The Dallas Cowboys. Uhhh�

Christain: Did you like modeling for Maxim?
Kim Smith: Yes, I loved it. It was one of my fave jobs�everyone was so nice. What�s your golf handicap?
Kim Smith: I don�t deal with that, but I shoot in the 80s.

Sonae: Hey Kim! Do you know if you�ll be doing any more work for Guess? in the future?
Kim Smith: We�re gonna wait and see what happens but it�s a possibility.

Dkdfw: What�s your favorite television show?
Kim Smith: Dawson�s Creek. Who�s your favorite?
Kim Smith: Dawson.

Braindonor: What is your most embarassing moment?
Kim Smith: I was swimming once and my bathing suit came off.
That�s the most embarassing thing yet.

Phlstl: What�s up, Kim? What do the girls think of Maxim magazine?
Kim Smith: A lot of them read it to see what guys are being told. I like it a lot.

Kattart: I like to eat cheese, Kim. Do you like cheese?
Kim Smith: Yes, I like cheese. A lot?
Kim Smith: Yes, but I haven�t really thought about it.

Abstrakt: What�s the coolest place you�ve traveled to and why?
Kim Smith: Probably the Virgin Islands. The weather was nice, it was pretty, and it was really great.
I was working for Maxim too! Could you ever date an art director?
Kim Smith: (LOL) I don�t know. It depends on the eyebrows. Only if he looks like Dawson.

Lovekimsmith: Did you really meet Leonardo DiCaprio?
Kim Smith:Yes I did! I haven�t seen The Beach yet. What did you think of him?
Kim Smith: He�s really cute�really cute. He was also nice�sweet.

Dplu: What is your shoe size?
Kim Smith: Nine.

Abstrakt: What�s the coolest thing about your job?
Kim Smith: Probably meeting different types of people and traveling to awesome places to work.

KAS: Before modeling became a reality, what did you have an interest in doing for a career?
Kim Smith: I wanted to be an architect. Can you draw?
Kim Smith: A little.(LOL)

Dabear79: I�d caddy for you any day!
Kim Smith: Oh, that�s sweet, thanks.

Operations: What would you like for Valentine�s Day?
Kim Smith: Some beautiful flowers and chocolate chip cookies.

Ballistic_217: Hey, I�ve been told I look like Dawson.
Kim Smith: (LOL)

Jimmy carter: I am a hunky Russian� would you ever date a Russian�
even if he was a computer geek?
Kim Smith:I haven�t dated a Russian, but I love computer geeks.

Gmitrani: Why did you give up architecture?
Kim Smith: I don�t know, the money�s better in modeling. What�s your favorite thing about Texas?
Kim Smith: My family and friends. And the barbecue?
Kim Smith: And the barbecue and the football.

Johnnynorfolk: What do you look for in a guy?
Kim Smith: Ummmm� other than Dawson? (LOL) Pretty eyes and hands�
most of all their personality. I also like creativity, too.

Jackson5: Whats your favorite holiday?
Kim Smith: Christmas.

Jason-nielsen: If you come to my house on Valentine�s Day, I promise to bake you cookies. Will you come?
Kim Smith: Ohhh� Could you fed ex some to me?

Jmouaikel: Why do you love computer geeks?
Kim Smith:I don�t love them, I said I know them. But their cool guys.

Joefling: Do you have a boyfriend?
Kim Smith: No I don�t.

Dabear79: Any of the N Sync guys hit on you?
Kim Smith: No, they were all really nice� they also all have girlfriends, too.

ABERCROMBIE: Do you like basketball?
Kim Smith: Yeah, I love basketball. I met Dennis Rodman last night. What color was his hair?
Kim Smith: I think blonde.

L98_S10: Kim, what do you think the deal is with all the Texas women in modeling/acting lately?
Yourself, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Shannon Elizabeth, etc� is the Texas look hot right now, or what?
Kim Smith: I think they put something really nice in the water in Texas.

Tomd1972: Has your level of trusting strangers dropped a lot since you became a model?
Kim Smith:I�ve always been kinda careful�but there�s a handful of people I trust.

ABERCROMBIE: Was Rodman cool?
Kim Smith: Yeah, he was really nice. He was cool.

ArmyGuy: Would you ever date a military man?
Kim Smith: Depends on the guy, I guess.

Joefling: The water was probably touched by an angel in texas, because you look like an angel!
Kim Smith: OHHHHHH. That�s so cute.

Bsoldier: What�s the best/worst part about being a model?
Kim Smith: Worst part is probably being away from the family and friends. The best is meeting
new people and going to cool places�
the money doesn�t hurt either. You don�t do this for charity?
Kim Smith: I have and I will�without a doubt.

Jrobb: Do you like guys with different colored hair? Mine is pink.
Kim Smith: (LOL) As long as the eyebrows are normal and he has good hands.

Pritesh: What advice would you give to young girls who would like to pursue careers as model? Aside from being pretty�

Kim Smith: Be careful with who you work with and always put your family first�
you know, the things that mean the most to you� good moral standards.

Pikappx2: What is your favorite food?
Kim Smith: Italian. I love Chicken Piccatta.

Adl9913: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Kim Smith: I wanna go to Europe�I haven�t been yet. I�d love to travel around there.

Kermoedi: How many words a minute can you type? You seem to be pretty fast.
Kim Smith: 120. I�m a speed demon, baby.

ArmyGuy: Can you send me some pictures in Kosovo, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeee?
Kim Smith: You can get them at my Web site��leave your info there.

Joefling: I think Im gonna pic you for my bride� is that alright?
Kim Smith: (LOL) I think I have to meet you first.

Griever: What sort of things do you like to do in your spare time?
Kim Smith: Play golf and hang with my friends and family�talk on the phone�go to the mall�things like that.

Manny75: If you were a fruit, which would you like to be and why?
Kim Smith: I�d like to be a strawberry�they�re beautiful, sweet and don�t leave a bad aftertaste.

Valentine: How�s Chicken Piccatta with cookies in Paris sound for Valentine�s Day? Let me know�
Kim Smith: Send a plane ticket�sounds good.

Maxim_Man: Do you get mobbed by fans when you go out in public? Where any crazy disguises?
Kim Smith: I don�t wear any disguises, but people approach me.

Jessd43: Have any pets?
Kim Smith: Yes, I have a dog�her name�s Gabby. I�ve had her for five or six years.

JAY18: Where is the most fun place you�ve been for a model shoot?
Kim Smith: Like I said earlier, the Virgin Islands.

Pescort: I have a plane. Want me to pick you up?
Kim Smith: (LOL) As long as it�s not one of those small Sesnas�must be a jet airliner!

Brandon187: Do you have any sisters that look at good as you?
Kim Smith: No I have an older brother.

C017CepT: Do you like hip-hop?
Kim Smith: Yes, I like it a lot.

Sharkey066: What kind of fitness program do you follow?
Kim Smith: I�m not into dieting or anything like that. I just go to the gym every now and then.

Brandon187: I have a 10-speed, but can I still pick you up?
Kim Smith: (LOL) Sure, as long as it�s a two-seater.

Manny75: Are you shy or outgoing?
Kim Smith: I�m shy around strangers, but outgoing around people I do know.

Big Trav: Have you ever been to any good concerts?
Kim Smith: Yeah, I�ve been to a couple. Probably Garth Brooks�it was a lot of fun.

Midpjm: What�s the craziest thing a guy has done to get your attention?
Kim Smith: Once when I was at this lake, this guy was going by on a boat�
he jumped off and started talking to me�
I thought he was going to get hurt jumping off the boat, but he was fine. Pretty strange.

Jessd43: What is the key to woman�s heart?
Kim Smith: Honesty! And, the right key.

Mwweaver: Being a Texan�are you into cowboys with black felt hats and (nice hands of course)?
Kim Smith: No, I�m not into that at all�I have friends that are, but I�m not�

Alex v: Ever been on a blind date?
Kim Smith: Nope, never have.

Faral: Do you carry pepper spray or mace?
Kim Smith: No, but I know karate.

Jackson55: Do like video games?
Kim Smith: Yeah�when I was younger I played nintendo and sega. I played with my brother�
the majority of the time he would beat me at the games, but I won sometimes.

Munleymun: What do you think about bleached blonde hair and tattoos?
Kim Smith:I�m more for the tall, dark, and handsome look.

Mercurybliss: Have you ever been in a fight?
Kim Smith: No, it�s too barbaric.

TeeJay: Does your brother get annoyed with all the male attention you receive?
Kim Smith: He�s pretty protective�but he�s supportive. He�s tough.

Mr. Big-not the band: Real karate�or like gym class stuff? How long did you take it?
Kim Smith: I was only kidding�I don�t know karate (you guys can be so literal).

Delphian: Back to crazy ways to get your attention�do those stunts work or do you shy away from those guys?
Kim Smith: I�d rather they be honest�just come up and talk to me as opposed to doing
something crazy like that.

Mephistopheles: I bet I could kick your ass all over the place at Nintendo!
Kim Smith: (LOL) Bring it on!!!!

Mwweaver: Do you and your family share a strong sense of humor?
Kim Smith: Yeah, we all get along really well. We�re very humorous.

Jrobb: So, what�s your sign?
Kim Smith: Pieces. I think it means I�m a fish�but not a dead one (just so you know).

Stekson: Kim� you ever go out to Jersey?
Kim Smith: No, I�ve never been.

Noconfidence: What do you think about men (boys) who are too shy to talk to women?
Kim Smith: I think they should get over it.

Big fan: Your dad must own a shotgun.
Kim Smith:(LOL) He owns a couple.

Valentine: Did Dennis hit on you?
Kim Smith:No, he was really nice�I shook his hand, chatted for a moment�
he said �Peace and Love� and walked off.

YourSecondChance: I don�t believe girls of your beauty actually exist in the real world,
can you prove that you are an actual physical being on Earth?
Kim Smith: No, I�m just a figment of your imagination.

Maxim_Man: Ever go out shooting/hunting with your dad?
Kim Smith: No I think it�s sad. I�d never do that!!

Malanyaple: What do you think about guys that are overly aggressive?
Kim Smith: I think it�s really annoying and it�s a turn off.

Dkdfw: What�s your favorite type of clothes? Do you like the Banana Republic? Gap?
Abercrombie & Fitch? Guess?
Kim Smith: I like when guys wear different clothes�each designer�s different in their own way,
expressing their own style.

CalTeen: Do nice guys finish last?
Kim Smith: No, not always.

Stekson: Kim, you have inspired me to become a photographer.
Kim Smith: Well I�m glad. (LOL) Book me on a job.

Fratboy: If I were a deer, I would want you to hunt me, then tear out my innards and drink my
still steaming blood!
Kim Smith: GROSS! You�re off the chat buddy.

Jackson55: Did you like the movie Varsity Blues?
Kim Smith: I liked it a lot. It was based on the book Friday Night Light�and The Beek was in it.

T Da Man 1: Do you believe in world peace?
Kim Smith: Yes, I do. I wish people would get along everywhere.

Big Trav: Can I be your bodyguard? I�d keep guys like that away from you?
Kim Smith: I think the bodyguard�s been taken care of, but thanks.

SgtOfMarines: Ever going on Jay Leno or any other talk shows?
Kim Smith: Actually, I�ve been on a few. I was on Craig Killborn and Politically Incorrect.
I�m also talking to a few other shows.

Faral: Don�t you just hate politics?
Kim Smith: No, I don�t really mind it that much�kinda interesting.

Craft: What�s the lamest thing a guy has ever said to you?
Kim Smith: This one guy (LOL) asked �do you surf the Internet?�

Alex v: Don�t you just hate Ricky Martin?
Kim Smith: I like him a little bit.

Sabrehorn: Do you collect anything?
Kim Smith: I collect frogs�little frog things. NOT REAL FROG!

SgtOfMarines: If the Beek wanted a date with you, you�d go in a second, huh?
Kim Smith: Not that fast, but I�d consider it. (LOL)

Immortalprick: What�s your middle name?
Kim Smith: Kay.

The_Lone_Grifter: What�s funnier�yogurt or tin foil?
Kim Smith: Tin foil, I guess.

Mysteryman: Is it snowing where you are at? What is the weather like?
Kim Smith: It�s beautiful�70-65, really nice.

Don: How long did it take to do the photos Maxim?
Kim Smith: I worked for three days on it.

Immortalprick: If I was a frog could be in your collection?
Kim Smith: Sure. (LOL)

Sonae: Does Maxim pay well? (LOL)
Kim Smith: VERY!

Kalbo: When you retire, where would you like to retire to?
Kim Smith: Somewhere beautiful and peaceful�maybe in a Xen Buddhist Temple or something.

Alex v: Are the guys at Maxim lazy?
Kim Smith: NO WAY! They were really, really, really, really good!

Maxx: If you were the star of a movie would you want to be the good girl or the bad girl?
Kim Smith: I was the mean girl in the N Sync video, so I want to be a good girl.

Kegburner97: What are you looking to do next?
Kim Smith: It depends on school�I�m on the golf team, so I have to be around for tourneys
and such�possibly a trip to a Korea next month.

Aby: What means more to you, money or success?
Kim Smith: Success, because with success comes money, too.

Eon: Are you planning on doing another spread for Maxim?
Kim Smith: I�d love to! Write into the mag and demand it!

Mclane: Pitt or Cruise?
Kim Smith: Brad Pitt!

CalTeen: Finding true love, or all the money on Earth?
Kim Smith: Finding true love.

Dreid33: What is your favorite ice cream?
Kim Smith: Coffee.

Jackson5: Would you be a Victoria Secret Angel?
Kim Smith: Sure, I�d love to, and there�s also a strong possibility! We�re working on it.

Mercurybliss: The editors of Maxim or Cruise.
Kim Smith: The editors of Maxim of course.

MojoPin: What�s the last good movie you saw?
Kim Smith: The Green Mile. I loved it�I saw it twice�I cried.

Randyman: Do you want to go to the prom with me?
Kim Smith: (LOL) I already have a date, but thanks for asking.

Caverject: Golfer eh� Tiger Woods or David Duval?
Kim Smith: David Duval. I like his sunglasses.

Brandon187: Who is your prom date, I am going after him�
Kim Smith: He cs one of my really good friends�he�s also 6�10�280lbs. Pure muscle.

Stekson: Could you kick the crap out if Britney Spears?
Kim Smith: I wouldn�t want to fight her�but I probably could.

Tony: What�s your favorite kind of cereal?
Kim Smith: Lucky Charms. They�re magically delicious! Gotta run, guys.
Be sure to check out my Web site, which just went live today! It�s
Guys, head on over to the open chat to discuss everything.
Thanks for hanging around. Bye!!!


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