
This is the riddles page. Have a go at some or all of the riddles here! Those which I got from external sources are labelled with the author's name or alias, but the ones with no name are mine.

If you want to see if you are right, just fill in the answers you know, then fill in your email address at the bottom, and press submit, and you should get a reply within a week (or maybe a bit longer) telling you how you went.

Riddle 1: 11/04/01

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

J. R. R. Tolkien


Riddle 2: 11/04/01

Borne by liquid diamond far,
Travelling beneath a star.
Secret chamber deep within,
White as silk, sweet as sin.
Outer layers harsh and firm,
Holding still throughout the storm.
At the end of journey long,
Out emerge green ribbons strong.
Growing to a tower tall,
Guarding chambers oh so small.


Riddle 3: 11/04/01

This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays kings, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.

J. R. R. Tolkien


Riddle 4: 11/04/01

Round as the moon, gold as the sun.
Chamber sealed; no door, no window, no crack
Leads inside.
The fortress is breached,
Rubies glistening like water droplets are stolen
And destroyed,
Satisfying an earthly desire
Which within a moon will become strong again.
Casings discarded melt to the ground
And grow new life.


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