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Star Trek: Day of Honor

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Book One: Ancient Blood - Diane Carey [TNG]

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Picard: "... angels are always fodder for street brawls."

Picard: "... I've faced some of the most challenging adversaries in the galaxy.  ... yet never have I been so paralyzed as I was five minutes ago, staring down at a boy with one damnably simple question."

Riker: "Sometimes facing the simple logic of a kid's mind can be pretty daunting...."

Riker: "What does anybody 'need' with cats ...?"

Picard: "Odd, ... how many footnotes it takes to make up a past ..."

Picard: "It's a big galaxy ....  How do our problems get so finely concentrated?"

Sandy Leonfeld: "A person can be born better than others.  All blood is not alike.  These Colonial ideas of equality are awkward, and their declarations are truant."

Leonfeld: "... frivolity is devil's play.  Beware burning too many candles.  The whim of the day is a dangerous tool with which to govern."

Jeremiah Coverman: "Everyone is better than someone, I cannot deny others the chance to acquire betterment."  
Leonfeld: "One cannot 'acquire' the status of a gentleman.  One must be born to that status."

Picard: "Unfortunately, 'fairness' isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Picard (thought): "What good was it to stand on thin honor while the platform of justice collapses beneath?"

Alexander: "Your whole existence there was lie after lie.  Do you think you have to say words to be lying?"

Picard: "Any covert mission is by nature a lie.  We all lie at some time or another, to protect or spare others.  Anyone who says he never lies is lying as he says it."

Alexander: "How is it honorable to do one right thing and let a bigger wrong thing happen?"

Coverman: "Government is a necessity, but we should accept that it is always excessive and inefficient by its very nature, and should be strictly limited, else we lose control."

Coverman: "For the first time, average men are demanding that no one have arbitrary power.  All government power should be answerable to those whom it governs."

Coverman: "Power should flow from the people on up, not from God to the king and on down."

Pennington: "I've given my word of honor.  I promised not to fight.  To break that trust would be second only to treason. -- I would sacrifice my life, or an officer's - indeed, the entire crew - rather than break my parole. The cost to everyone of breaking my word is too great to live with.  Rules of civility give us our society.  There are some things we shall never do, no matter the circumstance.   Where there are no rules, in warfare or peace, life becomes chaos.  You say it's war ... yes, of course it is.  Exactly my point.  Warfare without rules becomes barbarism."

O'Heyne: "Wealth cannot be kept out of the hands of the industrious."

O'Heyne: "We desire to determine our own fate."

Worf (thought): "Honor was not always being tough ....  Bravery did not always define itself in raw strength."

Picard: "... people have the right to make a decision, good or bad."

Picard (thought): "... life was no holo-program, and there would be no pauses to think things out.

Alexander: "Some things are worth dying for."

Alexander: "I still don't know what honor is, but I know it's why you fight, not how you fight."

Book Two: Armageddon Sky - L. A. Graf [DS9]

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Worf: "Honor is not meant to be fun."

Worf: "Hatred is always personal."

Sisko (thought): "... the sharp memory ... had never faded.   Great moments in history did that to the people sho lived through them - crystallized a single day's events inside the shifting smoke of memory the way a supernova hammered a permanent singularity through the fabric of space and time."

Worf: "... it is not honorable to wage war on a weakened enemy.   And all Klingons know that scientists are the weakest warriors of all."   
Jadzia Dax: "That's a prejudice that's cost them a lot of battles in the past."

Kira: "Hatred poisons the soil so that nothing but more hatred can grow there."

Bashir (thought): "If hopelessness had one good trait, it was that it wasted little time converting fear into the anger more useful for survival."

K'Taran: "Klingons don't cease to fight just because the odds are hopeless."

Sisko: "... I've found that what Cardassians say they believe and what they truly believe have about as much in common as Ferengi prices do with the true value of an object."

Rekan Vrag: "There are as many codes of honor among the Klingons as there are interpretations of Prophecies among the vedeks."

Sisko (thought): "... relief had a way of turning to distraction."

Rekan: "Dishonor needs no motive. -- Honor does not abandon its House!  Honor does not bend law to whatever meaning suits it. -- The intent of a command is as important as the words."

O'Brien: "Optimism is for command officers ....  Engineers prefer pessimism, because it saves lives instead of risking them."

Sisko: "... sometimes perfect compliance is death."

Book Three: Her Klingon Soul - Michael Jan Friedman [VOY]

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Paris: "... you care too much about the outcome.  The secret of piloting, whether it's in a holodeck or out in the real world, is to loosen up, to not give a damn - to not even entertain the possibility of failure.  And then, if you lose - hey, it happens to the best of us.  At least you gave it your best shot."

Tuvok: "One cannot control the outcomes of one's decisions.  One can only make the best decisions possible."

Chakotay: "... you've often got to make something hurt more before you can make it hurt less."

Book Four: Treaty's Law - Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Rusch [TOS]

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Dr. Vivian Rathbone: "They succeeded partly because Klingon agriculture is better suited to Signi Beta's environment and partly because they approach agriculture as they do war - succeed or die; there is no room for failure."

Rathbone (thought): "Sometimes life was just a little too strange."

Spock (remembering a statement made by Kirk): "... sometimes the best defense was nothing more than smoke and mirrors."

K'Ber: "The enemy has honor."

Kerdoch: "As Klingons, we have always given honor to those among us who fight.  Dying in battle has always been our most honorable death.  But it must be remembered that to our enemies, we are the enemy."