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Season 1

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

episode title unknown

"Patience is a foolish virtue.  It never gets you what you want when you want it."

The Legend Continues


The Island

A Simple Truth


The Demon Curupira

The Umpatra

The Last Unicorns

Circle of Life

Riddle of the Nymph


Most of this episode takes place within the Valhalla of Dar's mind.  As such, Dar appears in the episode as a boy and as an adult.

Tao (re: Shaman vision): "... I recognize those people.  They're Dar's people, Sulas -- they were massacred years ago by the Terrons."

Dar's father: "We Sulas are truly blessed to have our animal friends as our eyes, ears and soldiers."

Curupira: "Humans!  So ignorant.  They care only about themselves."

Dar's mother: "It's like when you're a child.  There are things you don't know until you're taught.  If you never learn, then someone will always get hurt."
Boy Dar: "That seems so cruel."
Dar's father: "Life often is...."

Dar's mother: "... losing something makes you cherish even more what it is that you still have."

Shaman (re: Adult Dar): "He will only become whole -- in Valhalla -- a place that exists between Heaven and hell."

Dar's father (to Adult Dar): "You cannot change destiny."

Dar's father (to Boy Dar): "I will be leaving you soon, my son.  And there will be times when you need direction.  you must listen to the voice.  ...  The voice within.  --  Trust it.  For it will always guide you on the right path."

Adult Dar: "The Terron and the Sula would know each other better if they talked."
Akili's father: "Terrons talk with their weapons."
Adult Dar: "One day, we could talk as friends."
Akili's father: "Would the cobra befriend the mongoose?"
Adult Dar: "Anything is possible."
Akili's father: "Not in this world.  --  We are a warrior people.  It is our privilege to fight."
Adult Dar: "And to die."
Akili's father: "If we must."

Tao (re: Adult Dar): "Curupira -- doesn't seem to know Dar is there.  ...  She can't see someone in Valhalla.  Why?"
Shaman: "Because demon don't have soul.  And those without soul cannot see Valhalla."

Adult Dar: "... you have to grow strong.  And remember, practice with your staff."
Boy Dar: "But who will teach me to fight?"
Adult Dar: "You can learn by watching and listening to the animals.  You can watch the cobra, the wolf and even the ant."
Boy Dar: "A warrior?  Learn from an ant?"
Adult Dar: "You see, ants will teach you cooperation.  You'll learn that many small strengths can overcome one large force.  The wolf will teach defense.  You'll learn to use your eyes, your ears and your nose.  The cobra will teach you how to attack -- how to strike swiftly -- at the most vulnerable points.  ...  Fate has a plan for you as it does for everyone."

Tao: "... Valhalla....  ...  Does it really exist?"
Dar: "It does.  In the mind.  The past, the present and the future.  It's all there.  In the mind."
Shaman: "The past, the present, the future.  In Valhalla, they are one.  But they are only a moment -- fleeting.  You must treasure them -- because they're gone quickly, like life -- into space."

The Slayer

The Minotaur

The Guardian

The Chameleon

The Devil's Deal

Tears of the Sea

The Burning Forest

The Golden Phoenix


