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Season 4

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Scorpion, Part II

Chakotay: "I'm not turning this ship around.  You're getting what you wanted.  I suggest we part ways amicably."
Seven: "There is another option.  We could assimilate your vessel."
Chakotay: "If a single drone steps one millimeter out of that cargo bay, I'll decompress the entire deck.  You won't pose much of a threat floating in space."

Chakotay: "I want you to know that disobeying your orders was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do."
Janeway: "I understand and I respect the decision you made, even though I disagree with it.  What's important is that, in the end, we got through this together.  I don't ever want that to change."
Chakotay: "Agreed."

Chakotay (to Janeway): �You�re more than just my captain.  You�re my friend.� 

Doctor: "Don't worry, I'll delete myself at the first sign of trouble.  Well, perhaps not the first sign."

Doctor: "Mister Kim, the Captain: I'm two for two."

Janeway (to Borg Collective): "Choose a representative or the deal's off!"

Janeway: "Do you have a better idea?"
Seven: "We are Borg."
Tuvok: "I take that as a yes."

Janeway (to Chakotay): "You have to make this work.  I want you to make this work.  Get this crew home."

Janeway (to Chakotay re: his altering her plans): "The doctor brought me up to speed but he couldn't tell me what I really wanted to know.  Why?"

Janeway: "You never trusted me.  You never believed this would work.  You were just waiting for an opportunity to circumvent my orders."
Chakotay: "Trust had nothing to do with it.  I made a tactical decision."
Janeway: "So did I."

Janeway: "It's too late for opinions.  It's too late for discussion.  It's time to make the call and I'm making it."

Janeway: "There are two wars going on.  The one out there and the one in here.  And we're losing both of them."
Chakotay: "It will be your undoing."
Janeway: "What?"
Chakotay: "Our conflicted nature, our individuality.  Seven of Nine said we lacked the cohesion of a collective mind; that one day it would divide us and destroy us.  And here we are proving her point."
Janeway: "I'll tell you when we lost control of this situation; when we made our mistake.  It was the moment we turned away from each other.  We don't have to stop being individuals to get through this.  We just have to stop fighting each other."

Janeway (to Chakotay): "It's time to make the call and I'm making it."

Janeway: "We're going to war."

Janeway: "Bridge to Chakotay.  Scorpion."

Seven of Nine (to Janeway): "Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One.  But you may call me Seven of Nine."

Seven of Nine (to Chakotay): "When your captain first approached us, we suspected that an agreement with humans would prove impossible to maintain.  You are erratic, conflicted, disorganized.  Every decision is debated, every action questioned, every individual entitled to their own small opinion.  You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness.  It will be your undoing."

Seven: "You are individuals.  You are small and you think in small terms."

Seven: "If we transported 500 drones onto your vessel, do you believe you could offer sufficient resistance?"
Janeway: "We'd die trying."

Torres (to Kim): "You still got a tendril up your nose."

Tuvok: "How did you obtain this information?"
Seven: "We are Borg."
Tuvok: "Naturally."

Tuvok: The nanoprobes were successful if not prompt."

The Gift 


Chakotay: "Having half our propulsion system overrun by Borg implants doesn't make our repair any easier."

Doctor (removing Borg implant from Seven): "It's like peeling an onion.  [to Kes]  Store it in a bio-stasis chamber.  [to Tuvok]  It may still be active.  If you think there's a risk, Mister Tuvok, you can throw one of your little force fields around the chamber."
Tuvok: "A prudent security measure -- for a doctor."

Doctor: "If a patient told me not to treat them, even if the situation were life threatening, I would be ethically obligated to honor that request."
Janeway: "This is no ordinary patient.  She may have been raised by Borg, raised to think like a Borg, but she's with us now.  Underneath all that technology, she's a human being, whether she's ready to accept that or not.  And until she is ready, someone has to make the decisions for her.  Proceed with the surgery."

Doctor (re: artificial eye for Seven): "They say the eye is the window to the soul.  ...  I fabricated this artificial organ to replace her eyepiece.  ...  Note how perfectly I've matched the pigment of the iris to her human eye."
Janeway: "Excellent work, Doctor.  I admire your attention to detail."

[After Kes dissolves a Borg implant with her mental powers]
Doctor: "Nice work, Kes.  Unconventional -- but effective."

Doctor: �Fashion, of course, is hardly my forte.  Nevertheless, I've managed to balance functionality and aesthetics in a pleasing enough manner.   (to Seven)  I also took the liberty of stimulating your hair follicles, a vicarious experience for me, as you might imagine."

Janeway (to Seven): "Your link to the Collective has been severed."

Janeway: "... we're not out of the woods yet."

Janeway: "I can tell by the expression on your face that you have some bad news."
Tuvok: "I have no expression on my face.  However, you are correct."

Janeway (re: Seven): �What�s the alternative, toss her back to the wolves?� 

Janeway: "You were part of a vast consciousness; billions of minds working together.  A harmony of purpose and thought -- no indecision, no doubts.  The security and strength of the unified will -- and you've lost that."
Seven: "This drone is small now.  Alone.  One voice.  One mind.  The silence is unacceptable.  We need the others."
Janeway: "I can't give you back to the Borg.  But you're not alone.  You're part of a human community now, a human collective.  We may be individuals, but we live and work together.  You can get some of the unity you require, right here on Voyager."

Janeway (to Seven): "We need your help....  Your expertise.  Your cooperation.  You must comply."

Janeway (to Kes): �You�ve lived most of your life here.  Voyager has been your home.  And you�ve been a vital part of this family.  Oh, I�m going to miss you.� 

Janeway: "Ah!  Tuvok's meditation lamp.  I was with him when he got it six years ago from a Vulcan master -- who doubled the price when he saw our Starfleet insignia."
Kes: "I'm sure it was the logical thing to do."

Janeway: "I've got an Ocampan who wants to be something more and a Borg who's afraid of becoming something less.  Here's to Vulcan stability."

Janeway (to Kes):  �Looks like we�re going to have to do this the hard way.� 

Janeway (to Kes): "You've lived most of your life here.  Voyager has been your home and you've been a vital part of this family.  Oh, I'm going to miss you."

Kes and Neelix: �To the adventure.� 

[After Kes leaves Voyager aboard a shuttle]
Kes: "My gift to you.  ..."
[Kes uses her newly found powers to relocate Voyager]
Janeway: "Where are we?"
Paris: "9.5 thousand light years from where we just were."
Janeway: "She's throw us safely beyond Borg space.  Ten years closer to home."

Kim: "You said the Borg got this stuff from Species 259.  Who were they?"
[Seven ignores Kim]
Kim: "I guess the Borg meet a lot of people, don't they?"
[Seven glares at Kim]
Kim: "Stupid question.  ...  So what's it like out there in galactic cluster three."
Seven: "Beyond your comprehension."
Kim: "Try me."
Seven: "Galactic cluster three is a transmaterial energy plane intersecting 22 billion omnicordial life-forms."
Kim: "Oh! -- Interesting!" 

Seven: "We need nothing from you.  We are Borg."

Seven (to Janeway): "You are an individual.  You are small."

Seven (re: Seven assisting in the cleanup of engineering): "We fully recall the engineering specifications of your vessel."
Torres: "Good!  Can you also recall the way it looked before you turned it into a Borg circus?"
Seven: "Yes."
Janeway: "Well, now that the pleasantries are over, why don't you get to work?"

Seven: "Autonomous regeneration sequences.  ...  The Borg assimilated this technology in galactic cluster three from Species 259."

Seven (to Janeway re: being held in brig): "So this is human freedom."

Seven (to Janeway): "Your attempts to assimilate this drone will fail.  You can alter our physiology but you cannot change our nature.  We will betray you.  We are Borg."

Seven: "... we will become fully human?"
Janeway: "Yes, I hope so."
Seven: "We will be autonomous, independent."
Janeway: "That's what individuality is all about."

Seven: "You would deny us the choice as you deny us now.  You have imprisoned us in the name of humanity yet you will not grant us your most cherished human right -- to choose our own fate.  You are hypocritical, manipulative.  We do not want to be what you are!  Return us to the Collective!
Janeway: "You lost the capacity to make a rational choice the moment you were assimilated.  They took that from you.  And until I'm convinced that you've gotten it back, I'm making the choice for you.  You're staying here."
Seven: "Then you are no different than the Borg."

Seven: "My designation is Seven of Nine but the others are gone.  Designations are no longer relevant.  I am -- one." 
Janeway: "Yes, you are." 
Seven: "But I cannot function this way. Alone." 
Janeway: "You're not alone; I'm here to help you." 
Seven: "If that's true, you won't do this to me.  Take me back to my own kind." 
Janeway: "You are with your own kind -- humans." 
Seven: "I don't remember being human.  I don't know what it is to be human!"

Seven: "So -- quiet! One voice!" 
Janeway: "One voice can be stronger than a thousand voices.  Your mind is independent now with its own unique identity." 
Seven: "You are forcing that identity upon me; it's not mine!" 
Janeway: "Oh yes it is! I'm just giving you back what was stolen from you.  The existence you were denied; the child who never had a chance.  That life is yours to live now!" 
Seven: "I don't want that life!" 
Janeway: "It's what you are.  Don't resist it!"  

Seven: "Red."
Janeway: "What?"
Seven: "The child you spoke of.  The girl.  Her favorite color was red."

Torres (re: removing Borg implants from propulsion systems): "This is like pulling weeds.  You thing you've got them all out, and then --"

Tuvok: "This Borg is a security risk."
Doctor: "She is heavily sedated.  I assure you, she is not going anywhere."

Tuvok (re: Kes): "Perhaps she's experiencing an aftereffect of some kind."
Doctor: "A reasonable diagnosis -- for a security officer."

Tuvok (to Kes): "... your psychokinetic powers are still undisciplined and, as a result, unpredictable."


Seven of Nine's human name:  Annika Hansen
Annika Hansen born Stardate 25479 at the Tendara Colony.
Annika Hansen's favorite color was red.

Day Of Honor

Janeway (to Seven): "Perhaps it was an unexpected act of kindness."

Janeway (to Seven): "Unexpected acts of kindness are common among out group.  That's one of the ways we define ourselves."

Moklor hologram: "Have you come to have your honor challenged?"
Torres: "I guess so.  Yes."

Paris (to Seven): "We all have a past.  What matters is now."

Paris: "I'm lowering the oxygen ratio.  That should give us a few more minutes." 
Torres: "I'm feeling -- kind of groggy." 
Paris: "Oxygen deprivation." 
Torres: "And you're lowering it?" 
Paris: "We have to try to make It last as long as possible." 
Torres: "It's ironic, isn't it?" 
Paris: "What?" 
Torres: "Today, the Day of Honor, is the day that I'm going to die." 
Paris: "We're not going to die.  Would you stop talking like that?" 
Torres: "We have to face up to it, Tom." 
Paris: "There's something I've been wanting to ask you." 
Torres: "Well, now's the time." 
Paris: "When we first met ... you didn't have a very high opinion of me." 
Torres: "That's putting it mildly.  I thought you were an arrogant, self-absorbed pig." 
Paris: "Flattery won't get you any more oxygen.  Do you think I've changed?" 
Torres: "A lot!  Now you're a stubborn, domineering pig.  Just kidding.  There I go again, just pushing you away.  You were right about me.  It's what I do ... push people away." 
Paris: "Well, it's a surefire way of not getting hurt." 
Torres: "What a coward I am."

Paris: "I'm glad the last thing I'll see is you."
Torres: "I've been a coward about everything; everything that really matters.  I'm going to die -- without a shred of honor.  And for the first time in my life, that really bothers me.  So, I have to tell you something.  I have to tell you the truth."
Paris: "The truth about what?"
Torres: "I love you.  Say something."
Paris: "You picked a great time to tell me."

Seven (to Janeway): "I am finding it a difficult challenge to integrate into this group.  It is full of complex social structures that are unfamiliar to me.  Compared with the Borg, this crew is inefficient and contentious, but it is capable of surprising acts of compassion."

Seven: "Guilt is irrelevant."

Seven: "I am unaccustomed to deception.  Among the Borg, it was impossible.  There were no lies, no secrets."

Torres: "I overslept this morning because I forgot to tell the computer to wake me; and then the acoustic inverter in my sonic shower blew out."
Paris: "That'll make your hair stand on end."
Torres: "So I didn't have time for breakfast, and when I got here two people were out sick so I had to cancel the fuel cell overhaul, and then an injector burst for no apparent reason and started spewing plasma coolant --"

Torres (on holodeck): "I haven't built any empires, and I can't say that I've personally defeated any enemies in battle.  But you have to realize, I'm not living among warriors."
Moklor hologram: "Then how do you expect to distinguish yourself?"
Torres: "I don't know.  I guess I'm doing the best I can."

Torres (re: Seven): "The bottom line is, I don't want her working in Engineering."
Chakotay: "The bottom line is, I'm giving you an order and you're going to follow it, Lieutenant."
Torres: "Whatever you say sir."

Torres: "Tell me something; when you hear about people like the Caatati, do you have any feelings of remorse?"
Seven: "No."

Torres: "It was ridiculous, meaningless, posturing.  Honor, dishonor.  What does it matter?"

Torres: " Let me access your controls."
Paris: " I thought you'd never ask."
Torres: " This would be a lot easier if I had a hyper-spanner.  Hold still."
Paris: "Why is it that we have to get beamed into space in environmental suits before I can initiate first contact procedures?"
Torres: "Why is it that if we're alone for more than 30 seconds, you start thinking about first contact."
Paris: "That is not fair.  The other day in Engineering I must have gone four minutes before I started thinking about it."

Torres: " This isn't anything like the simulations we had at the Academy.  They felt peaceful; like floating in the womb.  But right now, I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach."
Paris: " You dropped out too soon.  In the third year there's a six week course of actual space walks, so you can get used to them."
Torres: " I never would've lasted to the third year.  If I hadn't dropped out they would've asked me to leave."
Paris: " I wish I'd known you then."
Torres: " You'd have hated me."
Paris: " I can't imagine a time I wouldn't have found you fascinating."

Torres: "Welcome to the worst day of my life."


Brone: "Keep your tops low and your glimpses wide."

Brone (to Namon): "Weren't you drilled to fathom the Nemesis?"

Brone (to troops): "It's sharper to backwalk!"

Chakotay (to Namon): "Killing's the worst thing I've ever had to do."

Chakotay: "This isn't my war.  I'm not planning on shooting anybody."
Brone: "If we greet the Nemesis in the trunks, you'll fire like the rest.  As long as you're with us, you'll do my tellings.  Fathom?"
Chakotay: "Fathom."

Chakotay (to Rafin): "You know, sometimes people say terrible things about their enemies to make them seem worse than they really are.  There might be some young Kradin soldier out there who's more afraid of you than you are of him."

Chakotay: "The point is, even though I believed in what we were doing, I always felt fear before a fight."
Rafin: "But you wrestled your trembles to rages, didn't you?"
Chakotay: "I guess I did."

Chakotay: "I cared about the Vori but I hated the Kradin.  I wanted to kill everyone of them."
Janeway: "Evidently, that was the point."

Chakotay: "I wish it were as easy to stop hating as it was to start."

Chakotay: �Hate�s not something I understand very well.� 

Doctor (to Chakotay): "From the condition of your hypothalamus, I'd say that they had you so mixed up, they could have convinced you your own mother was a turnip."

Namon: "If you don't wrestle your trembles to rages, Ally, the Nemesis will nullify you."

Namon: "You don't fathom the Nemesis."
Chakotay: "No.  I suppose I don't."

Rafin (to Chakotay): "Nemesis wasn't scared to fume my village, nor scared to nullify my cousins and brothers in their sleep.  And my old mother's mother too, who never told an unkind word, nor nullified an insect in all her days and nights on this sphere."

Tuvok: "You are a scientist.  An explorer.  You are not a killer."


Dejaren (to Torres): "Oh, you're getting blood everywhere.  I'm going to have to deactivate you."

Doctor: "It's for your own benefit.  Someone needs to repair your program.  It's malfunctioning.  You're unstable."  
Dejaren: "No, no, no!  You're unstable!  You're a hologram who thinks like an organic!"

Doctor (to Dejaren): "When I was first activated, I was regarded as little more than a talking tricorder.  I had to ask for the privileges I deserved; the right to be included in crew briefings, the ability to turn my program on and off.  It's taken some time, but I believe I've earned the respect of the crew as an equal."

Doctor: " The Captain has authorized me to recruit someone with advanced medical training to help out in sickbay.  Unfortunately the most qualified person is you."

Doctor: " For a Klingon, you have a decent bedside manner.  I wonder what kind of bedside manner Mister Paris will exhibit.  That's a rhetorical question, Lieutenant."

Doctor (to Torres): "It took me a few days to master the social graces."

Doctor: " I'm questioning the wisdom or leaving Mister Paris in charge of my sickbay."

Doctor: "Report to sickbay at 0600 tomorrow.  Bring a tricorder and a smile."

Doctor: " I will admit, he is somewhat socially inept."
Torres: " Inept?  He's a lunatic!"
Doctor: " That's hardly a sound medical diagnosis."

Doctor: "This could be tedious."

Janeway: "For outstanding service as chief tactical and security officer, it's my pleasure to grant you the rank of Lieutenant Commander."
Tuvok: "Had I known this commendation entailed ritual humiliation, I might have declined.  However, I accept it with gratitude and will honor the responsibility that comes with it.  During my three years on Voyager, I have grown to respect a great many of you.  Others I have learned to tolerate.  As your tactical officer, I will continue to do my best to ensure a safe passage home.  As a Vulcan, I share the following sentiment -- 'Live long and prosper'."

Janeway: "I don't recall giving you a promotion today."

Kim: "I always wanted to learn Borg."

Kim: "So, what do you do for fun down in Cargo Bay Two?"

Kim: " Oh, it's nothing important.  Just your basic Borg-Human cultural differences."

Kim (re: Seven): �There�s a woman in there if you�d take the time to look.� 

Kim (re: Tuvok): �I swear I could hear him grinding his teeth from across the bridge.� 

Paris (to Kim re: girls): "You always go for the tough ones.  What was it last time -- a hologram?"

Paris (to Kim): " She's beautiful , and she's smart, and I'm sure she's a wonderful conversationalist."

Paris:  "B'Elanna.  This is ridiculous.  It's been three days and we haven't said a word to each other."
Torres:  "I know, I know.  We have to talk."
Paris:  "About what you said.  I mean, the part about being in love with me. I realize you were suffering from oxygen deprivation and we were literally seconds away from death.  So, I know you probably didn't mean it."
Torres:  "Oh, no, I meant it!  But I don't expect you to reciprocate.  Really.  You can just pretend that I didn't say it.  In fact, let's just forget that I even said anything..."
Paris:  "Shut up!"
[Paris and Torres kiss]

Seven: "I understand the concept of humor.  It may not be apparent, but I am often amused by human behavior."

Seven: "I've become weak."
Kim: "No more than the rest of us."

Seven (to Kim): " I may be new to individuality, but I'm not ignorant of human behavior.  I've noticed your attempts to engage me in idle conversation, and I see the way your pupils dilate when you look at my body.  Obviously, you've suggested a visit to the holodeck to create a romantic mood.  Are you in love with me Ensign?"

Seven: "I'm willing to explore my humanity.  Take off your clothes."
Kim: "Seven?"
Seven: "Don't be alarmed.  I won't hurt you."

Seven: �Beauty is irrelevant.� 

Torres: " I don't need you or anyone else speculating about the kinds of friendships I have or who I have them with."
Doctor: " I'm sorry.  I didn't realize I'd hit a nerve.  Perhaps you'd like a tranquillizer."

Torres: "Does this mean you're too tired to meet me, later, in my quarters?"
Paris: "Are you sure your heart can take it?"
Doctor: "I'm detecting elevated hormone levels.  If you two don't take it easy, I'll have to declare a medical emergency."

The Raven

B'Omar Ambassador (to Janeway and Chakotay): "Are your translators malfunctioning?"

Gaumen: "You are committing an act of war, Captain."
Janeway: "You gave me no choice, Chancellor."
Gaumen: "Reinforcements are arriving.  You will be destroyed."
Janeway: "I don't have time for this.  Target their weapons array."

Janeway (to Seven re: holographic program): "Frankly, it's refreshing to take myself out of the twenty-fourth century every now and then.  And a little disorganization can be very encouraging to the imagination.  You might want to try it sometime."

Janeway: "I would like to negotiate a course that's a little more -- direct."

Janeway: "Looks like there won't be any shortcuts this time."

Kim: "Apparently, she finds my behavior easy to predict, whatever that means."
Seven: "Don't take it personally.  Coming from Seven, that's probably a compliment." 

Neelix: "Please."
Seven: "Please what?"

Neelix (to Seven): "Two hundred and fifty grams glycoproteins consisting of 53% polypeptides and 26% fibrous glyogen.  Ugh.  Doesn't sound very appetizing."

Neelix (to Seven): "Scoop some up.  That's the way.  Right into your mouth just like a little scout ship flying into a shuttle bay.  Take out.  Keep your mouth closed.  That's right.  Now, you chew.  Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew."

Seven (to Neelix): �Pleasure is irrelevant.� 

Seven (to Neelix): �Preparation is irrelevant.� 

Seven (to Neelix): �Borg do not sit.� 

Seven: "A small freighter, containing a crew of thirty-nine, taken in the Damine Sector.  They were easily assimilated.  Their dense musculature made them excellent drones."
Neelix: "Well, lucky for you, I guess."

Seven (to Doctor): "I was not traumatized. I was raised by the Borg."

Seven: "Oral consumption is inefficient."
Doctor: "And unnecessary if you're lucky enough to be a hologram."

Seven: "For a brief time, I was human.  But I've come to realize that I am Borg.  I will always be Borg."

Seven: "I am undamaged."

Tuvok: "Fascinating."

Scientific Method

Alzen: "There's been a great difference of opinion about how much more strain you can bear."
Janeway: "Not much."

Chakotay: "Do you smell something strange?"
Neelix: "I'm afraid that's me."

Chakotay: " Captain, am I boring you?"

Doctor: "These symptoms are hardly surprising, Captain.  You work absurdly long hours under constant stress, eating on the run, without sufficient exercise or rest.  Your body is crying out for mercy."
Janeway: "It certainly is right now."

Janeway: "You two have been making enough of a public display that half the ship is gossiping about it."
Torres: "Believe me, that wasn't our intention."
Janeway: "You are senior officers and I expect you to maintain a standard for the rest of the crew, but this adolescent behavior makes me question my faith in you both.  If you choose to pursue a relationship, that's your business.  But you consider yourselves under orders to use better judgment about it.  Is that understood?"

Janeway: "You are security chief.  Don't thirteen department heads report to you everyday?"
Tuvok: "Yes."
Janeway: "Well, straighten them out."
Tuvok: "Shall I flog them as well?"

Janeway: "I hope you were exaggerating about those odds, Tuvok."
Tuvok: "I was not."

Janeway: "Who are you and what the hell are you doing to my crew?"

Janeway: "This ends now."

Janeway: " These lab rats are fighting back."

Janeway: " I don't think you realize you are not in control here any longer."

Janeway: "I never realized you thought of me as reckless, Tuvok."
Tuvok: "A poor choice of words.  It was clearly an understatement."

Janeway (to Alzen re: using Voyager's crew as 'guinea pigs'): "What you're doing isn't self-defense, it's the exploitation of another species for your own benefit.  My people decided a long time ago that that was unacceptable, even in the name of scientific progress."

Kim: "I don't believe it, we're alive."

Neelix (to Chakotay): "Well, whatever happens, I try to keep in mind that things could be worse."

Neelix: "I still have my home on Voyager, my friends."
Chakotay: "Your hair."

Paris: "What could I say?  'Sorry, Captain, I've got a date with B'Elanna'?"

Torres: "Sounds like you see a future in this."
Paris: "I would never be so presumptuous."
Torres: "Smooth recovery, Lieutenant."
Paris: I thought so."

Torres: " Well, how did he sound?  Annoyed?  Amused?"
Paris: " He sounded Vulcan.  What more can I tell you?"

The Year Of Hell, Part I

Annorax: "Time is patient.  So we must be patient with it."

Annorax: "Choose your words with more precision."

Annorax: "Target Voyager.  Put Janeway out of her misery."

Doctor: "Who would have thought that this eclectic group of voyagers could actually become a family.  Starfleet, Maquis, Klingon, Talaxian, hologram, Borg; even Mister Paris."

Janeway: �Space, the great unknown.  Only now we�re going to know it a little better.� 

Janeway: "We're going through this space, whether they like it or not."

Janeway: "This is turning into the week of hell."

Janeway: "With all due respect, unless you've got something bigger in your torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around."

Janeway: "Something on your mind?"
Chakotay: "Yes, but you're not going to like it."
Janeway: "That's never stopped you before."

Janeway: "Abandon ship?  The answer is no.  I'm not breaking up the family, Chakotay.  We're stronger as a team; one crew, one ship.  The moment we split apart, we lose the ability to pool our talents.  We become vulnerable.  We'll get picked off one by one.  Now, I say we make our stand together.  As long as Voyager's in one piece, we stay."
Chakotay: "To be honest, I wasn't too found of the idea myself."

Janeway: "The Titanic?  As I recall, it sank."
Paris: "Let's just say I've made a few improvements."

Janeway: "What's important is we're together working toward a single goal; survival."

Janeway: "This is the captain of Voyager.  You may have noticed we have a defense against your torpedoes now.  I suggest you stand down."
Tuvok: "No response."
Janeway: "Their mistake.  Bring the ship about.  We're going through their space whether they like it or not."

Janeway: "I promised myself that I would never give this order.  That I would never break up this family.  But asking you to stay would be asking you to die."

Janeway: "Seven, we could use a little Borg efficiency right about now."

Janeway (to Chakotay): �You have the bridge -- what�s left of it.� 

Janeway (re: Paris and Chakotay): �Where are my men?�

Krenim Commandant: "Surrender now and I will forego the execution of your crew."
Janeway: "I don't respond well to threats."

Seven: "Technologically advanced but nonconfrontational.  Their resistant quotient is quite low."

Torres: " Go ahead and ask your stupid question.  Before I pass out and you don't have anybody to play with."
Kim: " Okay.  It's a famous ship.  Pre-warp civilization.  Montana.  Second stage had chemical engines."
Torres: " Another clue."
Kim: "Vulcans, Earth, First Contact."
Torres: Oh, right, right.  ...  Zephran Cochrane's ship; what was it called?  God, it's on the tip of my tongue."
Kim: " Okay, Okay.  Here.  You better lie down now.  Enough trivia for now."
Torres: " No, no.  I'm going to get this one.  ..."
Seven: " The Phoenix."
Kim: " What?"
Seven: " The correct response to your query.  The vessel Ensign Kim was describing.  It was designated the Phoenix."
Kim: " Hmm.  Not bad.  I didn't realize you knew so much about Earth history."
Seven: " I don't.  But, the Borg were present during those events."
Kim: " Really?"
Seven: " It is a complicated story.  Perhaps another time."
Torres: " I think so."

Tuvok: "Shaving is hardly a life-threatening activity."

Tuvok: "Hold your position and wait for my arrival."
Seven: "Arrive quickly."

The Year Of Hell, Part II

Annorax: "Trust isn't necessary.  We need each other."

Annorax: "Beyond study and instrumentation, there's instinct."

Annorax: "Past, present and future -- they exist as one.  They breathe together."

Annorax: "You have no idea how you've complicated my mission."
Paris: "Glad to hear it."

Annorax: "I suppose I can make the time."

Chakotay: "You've been at this for two hundred years, Annorax.  What makes you think you're ever going to succeed?"
Annorax: "What makes you think Voyager will reach Earth?  The odds against you are astronomical.  Yet you keep trying."
Chakotay: "You're right, but we don't destroy everything that stands in our way."

Chakotay (to Annorax): "You're trying to rationalize genocide.  One species is significant.  A single life is significant."

Chakotay: "You're not doing anything against Annorax.  That's an order."
Paris: "What are you going to do?  Take away my holodeck privileges?"
Chakotay: "Either we maintain our command structure or else we settle our differences the old-fashioned way."

Chakotay: "You don't have the right."
Annorax: "To fight for what is mine?  That's not for you to decide.  Only time can pronounce judgment against me."

Doctor: "There are seven other crew members on board.  You're the captain.  Delegate."

Doctor: "As Chief Medical Officer, I have the authority to relieve you of your command."
Janeway: "Try it and I'll shut down your program."

Doctor: "Captain Kathryn Janeway, under Starfleet Medical Regulation 121, Section A, I, the Chief Medical Officer, do hereby relieve you of your active command effective immediately.  Have a seat."

Janeway: �Would you rather have an indoor nebula?� 

Janeway (to Doctor): "You'll have a hell of a time keeping me confined.  You better grab a phaser, because before I give up command, you�ll have to shoot me.� 

Janeway: "Oh, why do I get the feeling you're testing me, Voyager?"

Janeway: "This is one year I'd like to forget."

Janeway: "Oh, there's fight in Voyager yet.  It's still got temporal shielding, six photon torpedoes.  It'll hold together.  Besides, you know the adage:  'Captain goes down with the ship', right?"

Janeway (to Doctor re: scars): "I'll consider them mementos." 

Janeway: "Time's up."

Paris: "To quote a long lost friend of mine:  It seemed logical."

Seven: "It is offensive.  Fortunately, taste is irrelevant."

Tuvok: �Remember this guideline: the captain is always right.� 
Seven: "Even when you know her logic is flawed?"  
Tuvok: "Perhaps!"

Tuvok: "Given Voyager's damaged state, the probability of your surviving an armed conflict is marginal."
Janeway: "Oh, I know the odds.  But I have to stay; Voyager's done too much for us."
Tuvok: "Curious.  I've never understood the human compulsion to emotionally bond with inanimate objects.  This vessel has done nothing.  It is an assemblage of bulkheads, conduits, tritanium.  Nothing more."
Janeway: "Oh, you're wrong.  It's much more than that.  This ship has been our home.  It's kept us together.  It's been part of our family.  As illogical as this might sound, I feel as close to Voyager as I do to any other member of my crew.  It has carried us, Tuvok, even nurtured us -- and right now, it needs one of us."

Tuvok: "Live long and prosper, Captain."
Janeway: "Same to you, old friend."

Random Thoughts

Chakotay: "Tom, I may have let you sit in the Captain's chair, but remember she's still the boss."

Doctor: "You can return to duty, Lieutenant.  But, perhaps, with one or two fewer violent engrams."
Torres: "It's alright, Doc.  There are plenty more where those came from."
Doctor: "Duly warned."

Janeway: "You know the rules, Tom.  We can't just pick and choose which laws we'll respect and which we won't."

Janeway: "Have a seat."
Seven: "I prefer to stand."
Janeway: "I keep forgetting."

Janeway (to Seven): "We seek out new races because we want to, not because we're following protocols.  We have an insatiable curiosity about the universe."

Neelix: �You used to be quite the ladies� man.� 
Paris: �Used to be?� 

Neelix: "I mean, you're involved now. You won't be availing yourself of all the beautiful, fascinating, and very open-minded Mari woman."
Paris: "Are you trying to depress me?"

Nimira: "Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres.  You are under arrest."
Torres: "On what charge?"
Nimira: "Aggravated violent thought resulting in grave bodily harm."

Nimira (to Tuvok): "Your brig, it's a puzzling concept; shutting someone away as punishment.  Do you find that it rehabilitates the prisoner?"

Seven: "You make contact with alien species without sufficient understanding of their nature.  As a result, Voyager's directive to 'seek out new civilizations' often ends in conflict."
Neelix: "What you call ignorance, we call exploration  And sometimes that means taking a few risks, but it's certainly better than assimilating everything in your path."

Seven: "Your goal is to share knowledge. "Assimilation is the perfect means of attaining that goal."

Seven: "Then we are in disagreement."
Janeway: "Good.  I dread the day when everyone on this ship agrees with me."

Torres: "So you believe that it's alright to tell people what they can and can not think?"

Torres: "Where we come from, people are responsible for their own actions."
Nimira: "And here, people are responsible for their own thoughts."

Concerning Flight

Chakotay (re: theft of items from ship): " They removed a lot.  Five tricorders, three phaser rifles, a couple of photon torpedo casings, two anti-matter injectors, a month's supply of emergency rations."
Paris: " No great loss there."

Leonardo Da Vinci hologram: "When are we not in prison?  When are our lives free from the influence of those who have more power than us?"

Da Vinci hologram: "All my life, I have wanted to fly.  Perhaps my failure to do so has caused my heart to remain in flight, leaping from one thing to another, never satisfied, never complete."

Da Vinci hologram: "Well, this conversation has left me dry as Vulcan."
Tuvok: "Vulcan?"
Da Vinci hologram: "An island off Sicily.  Have you been there?"

Da Vinci hologram: "Ah, what the old philosophers say is true: 'Monstrous and wonderful are the peoples of undiscovered lands'."

Da Vinci hologram (re: being away from his homeland and reputation): "Here I am free to do what I wish; free from judgment, free to fail.  Without a sense of shame, without -- without the taunts of the ignorant."

Janeway: "Fire at will."
Tuvok: "I have the will but not the means, Captain.  Targeting control is down."

Janeway: "Try to keep our hologram occupied."
Tuvok: "But, Captain --"
Janeway: "Well, make small talk."
Tuvok: "Vulcans do not make small talk."
Janeway: "Improvise."

Janeway: "You've always said that it's a poor apprentice who can't surpass her master.  There are things in this world that I understand and you don't."

Janeway: "It never fails to impress me.  No matter how vast the differences may be between cultures, people always have something that somebody else wants.  And trade is born."

Kim (to Seven): �I�m a pretty easygoing person.  I mean it takes a lot to ruffle my feathers.  But that�s not true of everybody.� 

Paris: "I feel like we've just been mugged."

Seven (to Kim): �If you�re here to fraternize, I do not have the time.� 

Seven (to Tuvok): "It is puzzling that even a Vulcan refers to a hologram as if it were alive; it seems somewhat illogical."

Mortal Coil

Chakotay: "Don't throw away a lifetime of faith because of one anomalous incident.  Death is still the greatest mystery there is."

Chakotay: "We're your family now."
Neelix: "It's not enough."

Chakotay (re: Naomi Wildman): "That little girl needs you, Neelix.  Monsters in the replicator; who else on this ship can handle that?"

Doctor (to Seven): "In these maturation chambers, the development of conversational skill is, I suppose, a low priority?"

Janeway (re: socializing): "Having fun?"
Seven: "No."

Neelix: "As long as I don't start, uh, assimilating the crew or sprouting Borg implants, I'm sure I can live with it." 

Neelix: "It's not a mission, Seven.  It's a party!" 

Neelix (to Chakotay after finding a reason to live): "Duty calls."

Seven: "You are a peculiar creature, Neelix."
Neelix: "Thank you.  I think."

Seven: "There seem to be countless rituals and cultural beliefs designed to alleviate their fear of a simple biological truth:  all organisms eventually perish."

Seven: "Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable.  They were unworthy of assimilation."
Neelix: "I didn't realize the Borg were so discriminating."
Seven: "Why assimilate a species that would detract from perfection?"
Neelix: "Good point."

Seven (re: Neelix): "His function in this crew is diverse." 

Seven: "You will be assimilated."
Neelix: "No time for that now.  Maybe later."

Tuvok: "You are no longer part of the Collective.  You are mortal, now, like the rest of us.  Does that disturb you?'
Seven: "My connection to the Borg has been severed but the Collective still possesses my recollections, my experiences.  In a sense, I will always exist."
Tuvok: "Fascinating.  That must be a great relief."
Seven: "Yes.  It is."

Tuvok: "We do not stand alone.  We are in the arms of family.  Father, mother, sister, brother, father's father, father's mother, father's brother, mother's brother, --.  Suffice to say, the list is extensive.  We gather on this day to extol the warmth and joy of those unshakable bonds.  Without them, we could not call ourselves complete.  On this day, we are thankful to be together.  We do not stand alone."

Waking Moments

Chakotay: "Not only are they dreaming.  They're all having this same dream."

Chakotay (joint dream): "I found the cavern and your people.  I'm there right now in the waking world.  And it's all going to be destroyed in less than two minutes unless you deactivate that transmitter."
Alien: "If you are there, you'll be killed too.  I think you're lying."
Chakotay: "Oh, believe me.  If I don't contact my ship, you and I are both going to die in our sleep."

Doctor: "No rest for the never weary."

Janeway: "One step at a time."

Janeway (joint dream): "Sometimes first contact is last contact."

Janeway: "Arm photon torpedoes.  We seem to have a knack for provoking strangers these days."

Janeway (joint dream): "Either I've become impervious to antimatter explosions or we're still dreaming."

Neelix:  "... and the next thing I knew, I was being boiled alive in a pot of my own leola root stew!"
Torres:  "Talk about a nightmare."
Neelix:  "But it was perfectly seasoned."

Neelix: " Maybe this is all one person's dream.  If, for example, mine and none of you are really here."
Torres: " Trust me Neelix, I wish I weren't, but I'm here."

[In dream of Tuvok]
Paris: "I think you forgot something, Tuvok."
Tuvok: "It appears that in my haste to report to the bridge, I neglected to put on my uniform."

Paris:  "Neelix, did you have a rough night or something?"
Neelix:  "Why do you ask?"
Paris:  "Because you just poured me a steaming cup of cooking oil."

[In Kim's dream]
Seven: "I've learned from observing Lieutenants Torres and Paris that humans sometimes require a pretext for being intimate with one another."
Kim: " Intimate?"
Seven: " Resistance is futile."

Torres: "Well, if it isn't 'Sleeping Beauty'."
Kim: "I do look well rested, don't I?"
Neelix: "Is everyone awake now?"
Kim: "The doc checked us all out, says we're fine."
Torres: "Have a seat.  We were just trading dream stories."
Neelix: "Tell us yours."
Kim: "Oh.  It was nothing very interesting.  Just the usual, you know --"
Torres: "Who was she, Harry?"
Kim: "The woman of my dreams.  What I'd like to know is what Tuvok dreamt about."
Neelix: "Yes commander, tell us.  What do Vulcans dream about?"
Kim: "Aren't you supposed to have horrible nightmares?"
Torres: "I wonder what a Vulcan nightmare would be like."
Neelix: "Alone, exiled on a planet where the only form of communication is laughter."
Torres:" Oh, come on, Tuvok."
Tuvok: "I won't dignify this inquisition with a response."

Janeway: "Tell me about your dream.  Where exactly did you see the alien?"
Tuvok: "As a matter of fact, it was right here in the turbolift."
Janeway: "What happened?"
Tuvok: "The alien simply stared at me as if scrutinizing my appearance."
Janeway: "That's what happened in my dream.  What did you do?"
Tuvok: "I returned to my quarters."
Janeway: "Did the alien follow you?"
Tuvok: "He did."
Janeway: "And then?"
Tuvok: "He watched me."
Janeway: "Doing what?"
Tuvok: "Getting dressed."
Janeway: "Getting dressed?"
Tuvok: "Yes."
Janeway: "I don't suppose I should ask why you were undressed?"
Tuvok: "I would prefer that you didn't."

Tuvok (joint dream): "When you're dreaming, you're rarely aware that you're dreaming."

Tuvok (joint dream): "As Captain, you shouldn't be taking chances with your life."

Tuvok (joint dream): "And if the aliens try to stop us?"
Janeway: "Then we turn this dream world of theirs into a nightmare."

Message In A Bottle

Computer: "Specify attack pattern."
Doctor: "Attack pattern -- alpha?"
Computer: "Specify target."
Doctor and EMH II: "Romulans!"

Doctor: "When I requested more away missions, this isn't exactly what I had in mind."

Doctor: "Far be it from me to turn down an opportunity to become a hero."

Doctor: "I don't have clearance.  I'm an emergency medical hologram. --" 
EMH Mark II: "Oh! Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Your the Mark I EMH.  The inferior program!"  
Doctor: "Inferior?!"  
EMH II: "Beady eyes, terrible bedside manner, I recognize you."  [Jealousy/Superiority between holograms?]

Doctor: "I need to know more about what's happening.  Is the Federation at war with the Romulans?"  
EMH II: "No! The Romulans haven't gotten involved in our fight with the Dominion."  
Doctor: "The who?"   
EMH II: "Long story!"  
Doctor: "In any case, we need to take control of this situation."  
EMH II: "I'm a doctor, not a commando."   
Doctor: "It's time you became a little of both."  
EMH II: "You don't understand.  The Prometheus is an experimental prototype and so am I.  I - I - I haven't even been field tested yet.  I'm not designed for this kind of duty."

Doctor: "Hmmm! Your holo matrix is unstable.  It may explain your erratic behavior."  
EMH II: "I told you I'm a work in progress.  I was only installed six weeks ago."  
Doctor: "Stable or not, I need you ...."   
EMH II: "... I say we leave ... and deactivate ourselves."  
Doctor: "No! Your free to do as you please.  Go cower inside the data processor if you'd like.  I'll work alone."  
EMH II: "We're medical holograms!  What can we expect to do against a ship full of Romulans?"  Doctor: "I'm not sure.  Not yet!  But I've face my share of challenges; alien invasions, macro-viral infestations, I've crossed Borg space, traveled through time."  
EMH II: "Have you run a self-diagnostic lately?  The EMH Mark I is designed to function in sick bay only?"  
Doctor: "Voyager lost it's chief medical officer four years ago.  I've been active ever since."  
EMH II: "Four years?  No wonder your delusional.  Your program's degrading after being active for so long."  
Doctor: "I assure I am in perfect health.  I was saving Voyager from annihilation when you were only a gleam in your programmer's eye.  Now are you going to help me take back this ship or not."

Doctor: "It looks like there are holo-emitters on every deck."   
EMH II: "There are! Unlike you, I not condemned to a sick bay."   
Doctor: "... As a matter of record, I have free reign on Voyager, and I can even leave the ship as well."  EMH II: "Leave your ship?  How?"   
Doctor: "My mobile emitter!  A little piece of 29th century technology we obtained."  
EMH II: "Really?!"  
Doctor: "I'm as close to a sentient life form as any hologram could hope to be.  I socialize with the crew, fraternize with aliens. I've even had sexual relations."  
EMH II: "Sex?  How's that possible?  We're not equipped -."   
Doctor: "Let's just say I made an addition to my program." 
EMH II: "Before you leave, maybe you could download those subroutines into my database."   
Doctor: "We'll see!"

Doctor: "That's the first thing you learn in the real world.  Think on your feet!"

Doctor (to EMH II when he tries to figure out how to enter a Jefferies tube): "Traditionally, one crawls in head first."

Doctor (to Romulan Commander): "Paranoia is a way of life for you, isn't it?"

Doctor: "Isn't there some kind of convention regarding the treatment of prisoners?"

Doctor: "I show good intuition.  Where's the helm?"

Doctor (to EMH II): "You know you really should keep a personal log.  Why boar others needlessly?"

Doctor: "Stop breathing down my neck."  
EMH II: "My breathing is merely a simulation."  
Doctor: "So is my neck!  Stop it anyway!"

Doctor: "There are two warbirds coming right at us."  
EMH II: "My brilliant existence cut short.  No time to explore the universe.  No time to smell the roses.  No time for sex."

Doctor: " What are you waiting for?  Shoot!  Shoot!"
EMH II: " There are so many controls."
Doctor: " Find the one that says fire and push it!"

Doctor: "You hit the wrong ship!"
EMH II: "It wasn't my fault."
Doctor: "Well, then whose fault was it, the torpedo's?"

Doctor: "Doctor, we've done it."  
EMH II: "Two holograms alone!  Romulans on one side, Starfleet on the other.  Alarms beeping everywhere."  
Doctor: "EMH Mark II, newborn but filled with courage."   
EMH II: "EMH Mark I, armed with years of experience."  
Doctor: "Together they emerged triumphant.  The End."

Doctor (re: Starfleet): "They wanted you to know you're no longer alone."
Janeway: "Sixty thousand light years seems a little closer today."

EMH II: What are you doing here?"
Doctor: "If you disengage your vocal subroutines for one second, I'll explain."

EMH II: "Medical science has made a few advances while you've been off in the - Delta quadrant did you say?"  
Doctor: "That's right!"   
EMH II: "We don't use scalpels or leeches anymore.  I suggest you let me handle the medical side of things." 

EMH II: "Deactivate EMH."
Doctor: "Activate EMH"

EMH II: "This vessel was designed to go faster than anything in the fleet so we'll never be rescued."  
Doctor: "We've got to find a way to turn this ship around."  
EMH II: "How?  Waltz on to the bridge and take over the helm?"  
Doctor: "Refresh my memory!  Which of us has the terrible bedside manner?"  
EMH II: "You're not my patient!"  
Doctor: "My first bit of good news!"

EMH II (to Doctor): " I hope your myriad adventures included piloting lessons because there's nothing in my program that's going to help us fly this thing."

EMH II: "... What if I run into Romulans?"  
Doctor: "Improvise!  Your journey begins here."

EMH II: "The secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field intermatrix have depolarized."
Doctor: "In English!"
EMH II: "I'm just reading what it says here!"

Janeway: "Good luck, Doctor."
Doctor: "There's that word again."

Kim: " Computer, activate Emergency Medical Hologram Replacement Program."
Paris: " You think we should give him a little more hair?"

Neelix: "It's just a matter of perfecting the recipe.  Next time I'll use a few less 'jalapenos'."

Paris: " Oh, am I glad to see you."
Kim: " What's the emergency?"
Paris: " Take a look around you, Harry.  What do you see?"
Kim: " Sickbay?"
Paris: " Exactly!"
Kim: " So?"
Paris: " So it's not the helm of a Starship, is it?"
Kim: " Did you accidentally inject yourself with some kind of psychotropic agent?"
Paris: " I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!"

Paris: " I need your help, Harry.  Rescue me from medical exile."

[After first attempt at EMH replacement fails]
Paris: " What are you doing?"
Kim: " I'm downloading Gray's Anatomy chapter by chapter."
Paris: " I thought you said there was too much data for his holomatrix to handle."
Kim: " It's not for the EMH.  It's for you."

Romulan Commander Rekar: "You'd be surprised how stubborn humans can be."

Rekar: "You are nothing but a computer generated projection.  I find it hard to believe you are capable of taking these actions independently."  
Doctor: "How flattering."

Rekar: "I will deactivate you unless you start answering my questions."
Doctor: "If I answer them you'll very likely deactivate me anyway, so I fail to see the point."

Seven: "I was Borg, I elicit apprehension."  
Torres: " We're not afraid that you're going to assimilate us.  You're just not used to - you just -you're rude."
Seven: " I am - rude."
Torres: "... try to remember that we're not just a bunch of drones."  [A Klingon lecturing on rudeness?]

Seven: "I generated a feedback surge along our sensor link. -- It was a mild shock.  He will recover. -- He wasn't responding to diplomacy."

Torres (re: Seven): " Cold, patronizing, arrogant."
Chakotay: " I know she can be difficult."
Torres: " Difficult.  She's impossible."
Chakotay: " I'm getting tired of playing referee every time you two have a disagreement.  If you have a problem, talk to her yourself."
Torres: " Does the word irrelevant mean anything to you?  She won't listen.  She may look human, she may sound human, but she's all Borg."
Chakotay: " Part of the problem is your attitude.  You've never tried to accept Seven as part of the crew."
Torres: " And with good reason.  Guess what she did this morning.  She took an isolinear processor out of Engineering, without asking, and when I went to astrometrics to get it back, she had locked the door.  Like that lab is her own private domain."
Chakotay: " What do you want me to do?  Throw her in the brig for the rest of the trip home?"
Torres: " I've heard worse ideas."
Seven (via communications system): " Seven of Nine to Chakotay."
Chakotay: " Chakotay here."
Seven: "Report to the astrometrics lab at once."
Chakotay: " On my way."
Torres: " Did you hear that?  She's giving orders now.  I'm telling you Chakotay, if she gets in my way again I am not responsible for what happens."
Chakotay: " You're a senior officer on this ship.  Act like one.  Find a way to deal with her."


Hirogen (to Seven): "I could snap your puny neck with one twist." 

Janeway: "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised.  It's gotten me through the worst of the last three years.  I beat the Borg with it."

Janeway: "We don't run."

Neelix: "You're going to wait until you've finished the tactical review?"
Tuvok: "Do you have any reason to believe that the content of the message will change in that time?"

Paris: "Shouldn't get your hopes up, Harry.  No hopes, no disappointments."
Kim: "I'm not you."

Paris: "The more everyone gets excited about these letters from home, the more I don't want any part of it.  Maybe because what I have on Voyager is so much better than anything I had back there.  I just don't want the reminder."
Torres: "You're not the same person you were four years ago.  What makes you think he is?"

Seven: "What possible use could you make of my intestines?"
Alpha Hirogen: "Unusual relics are prized.  Yours will make me envied by men, and pursued by women."

Seven: "On the other hand, it is entirely possible that your program will be deleted and you'll be upgraded to conform to the most recent standards."

Torres (re: dead friends): " I will make someone pay, I swear I will, if we ever get back."

Torres: " It's a letter for you.  It's coming through right now."
Paris: " For me?"
Torres: " Right here."
Paris: " Who is it from?"
Torres: " Can't tell you."
Paris: " Maybe it's from the rehab colony telling me I've violated probation."

Torres (to Paris): "Excuse me if I can't feel terribly sorry for you.  I learned this morning that a lot of my friends are dead.  And I've gone from being so angry that I wanted to kill someone to crying for an hour, and now I'm just trying to -- to accept it and move on."

Torres: " Harry, you might as well wear a big sign that says 'I'm in love'."

Torres (to Kim): "I know there's nothing between you.  It's purely a one way attraction." 


Alpha Hirogen: "The way a creature behaves when wounded is the key to its destruction."

Chakotay (re: Hirogen): "They don't see us as equals.  To them we're simply game." 

Doctor: "You should know I'm a hologram and I can't be bent, spindled, or mutilated, so don't bother trying."

Hirogen: "I once tracked a silicon-based life-form through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star."
Paris: "I once tracked a mouse through Jeffries tube 32."

Janeway: "So there's one question remaining.  Who's hunting the hunters?"

Janeway: "If he steps out of line -- shoot him."

Janeway (to Seven): "I realize it may be difficult for you to help save this creature's life, but part of becoming human is learning to have compassion for those who are suffering, even when they're your bitter enemies."

Janeway: "It is wrong to sacrifice another being to save our own lives."

Janeway (to Seven): "A single act of compassion can put you in touch with your own humanity."

Janeway (re: Hirogen): "Seven, what you call a threat, I call an opportunity to gain knowledge about this species.  And in this case, maybe even show some compassion."

Janeway: "If he steps out of line, shoot him."

Seven (to Doctor trying out etiquette lessons): "Have a pleasant day."

Seven: "Thanks for being a patient patient."

Seven (re: member of Species 8472): "I have observed that you have been willing to sacrifice your own life to save the lives of your crew."
Janeway: "Yes, but that's different.  That was my choice.  This creature does not have a choice."

Seven: "A lesson in compassion will do me little good if I am dead."

Seven: "It is puzzling."
Janeway: "What's that?"
Seven: "You made me into an individual.  You encourage me to stop thinking like a member of the Collective -- to cultivate my independence and my humanity.  But when I try to assert that independence, I am punished."
Janeway: "Individuality has its limits, especially on a starship where there's a command structure."
Seven: "I believe that you are punishing me because I do not think the way you do -- because I am not becoming more like you.  You claim to respect my individuality, when in fact, you are frightened by it."
Janeway: "As you were."

Tuvok : "Mister Neelix, I must ask you to exchange your spatula for a phaser rifle." 



Doctor: "When I started helping you improve your social skills, I'm fairly certain I didn't include a boxing lesson."

Doctor (to Seven): "I often find my own patience being tested by someone like Mister Kovin.  Of course, I generally respond with a devastating quip rather than a left hook.  We must both accept the fact that very few life-forms will ever meet our high standards.  So, when you get irritated, just try to be tolerant and remember:  they can't help being what they are."

Janeway: I won't turn back the clock because of one mistake, no matter how serious, and no matter how you might feel."
Doctor: "I'm a physician.  I'm supposed to preserve life, not destroy it.  I can't live with the thought that I might do it again."
Janeway: "With any luck, that knowledge will prevent it from happening again."

Janeway (to Seven): "... you have to start learning the difference between having an impulse, and acting on it."

Janeway (to Seven): "I think we've established traditional disciplinary actions don't work with you." 

Kovin: "Are you willing to risk our trade agreement all on the basis of one crew member's delusions?"
Janeway: "Yes."

Seven: "The Captain gives me greater liberty only when she need my expertise."

Seven: "I believe I'm beginning to feel anger."
Doctor: "Good!  That's a perfectly healthy response.  And when Kovin gets what he deserves, you're going to feel much better."

Seven: "I want him to be punished.  I won't settle for anything less."

Seven: "As a Borg I was responsible for the destruction of countless millions, and I felt nothing.  But now I regret the destruction of this single being."

Seven: "I am not afraid, I am angry." 

The Killing Game, Part I

Alpha Hirogen: "You are mine, now and after death."

Alpha Hirogen: "Species that don't change, die."

Alpha Hirogen: "You circumvented our control.  How?"
Kim: "Go to hell."

Captain Hiller (Chakotay): "Take cover.  Charlie One isn't known for accuracy."

Doctor: "We've got to stop meeting like this."

Doctor (to Seven): "You should see what a mess you were after the Crusades."

Davis: "You owe me a postcard."

Hirogen: "Your crew is fragile.  They fall too easily."
Doctor: "What did you expect?  They've been stabbed, shot, beaten, phasered, and bat'lethed over the past three weeks."

Hirogen (to Seven): "Obey me, or I will hunt you down and your bones will adorn the bulkhead of my ship."

Karr: "Never underestimate your prey or disrespect its abilities.  If you do, you will become the hunted."

Katrine (Janeway): "You're late.  What happened?"
Baker (Neelix): "Just a little tete a tete with a member of the master race."

Katrine (Janeway): "Step away or I'll kill you."

Kim: "You're supposed to be the finest hunters in the quadrant.  Why don't you find us something a little more tasty?"

Kim: "You wanted a war.  Looks like you got one."

Baker (Neelix): "It must be important."
Bartender (Tuvok): "All messages regarding the war are important.  It's only a matter of degree."
Baker (Neelix): "I suppose you're right, but do you have to be so logical about everything?"
Bartender (Tuvok): "In any covert battle, logic is a potent weapon.  You might try it sometime."

Neelix (as drunken Klingon to a Klingon): " I'm as dry as the crater at Tarpahk, in the middle of the dry season, when it's dry!"

Paris (re: Torres): "Great gams.  One hell of a temper." 

Madamoiselle de Neuf (Seven): "When the Americans arrive and the fighting begins, I don't intend to be standing next to the piano singing "Moonlight Becomes You"."

Seven: "I must discontinue this activity.  I am not well."

Seven: "When the Americans arrive and the fighting begins I don't intend to be standing next to a piano singing Moonlight Becomes You."

The Killing Game, Part II

Alpha Hirogen (to Janeway): "Your people have faced exti8nction many times.  But you've always managed to avoid it.  You seem to recognize the nee for change."

Captain Hiller (Chakotay): "This isn't a request.  It's an order."
Janeway: "An order?  Does it look like I'm wearing one of your uniforms?"

Hiller (Chakotay to Janeway): "You're a gung-ho kind of gal, aren't you?" 

Hiller (Chakotay): "I guess my French is a little rusty."

Davis: "Bull's-eye.  Lucky for you."

Doctor (to Neelix): "Don't argue with the man.  Run along.  I'll reattach any severed limbs; just don't misplace them."

Doctor (to Neelix): "They're Klingons, not kittens." 

Janeway: "We'll destroy this ship before we surrender it."
Alpha Hirogen: "Perhaps I should kill you and find someone who will cooperate."
Janeway: "Good luck.  You'll get the same response from all of them."

Janeway: " Well, I guess when it come to my people's safety, this girl tends to get a little 'gung-ho'."

Janeway: "What are you waiting for?"
Hirogen "I am a hunter.  You are my prey.  Run."

Janeway (giving holographic emitter to Hirogen): "Accept this trophy.  You can use it to create a new future for your people or at the very least you can hang it on your bulkhead."

Klingon: "Q'apla!"
Neelix: "Q'apla."
Doctor: "Tallyho."

Paris (to Torres who appearing very pregnant): "So, what do you think.  A boy or a girl?" 
Seven: "It's a holographic projection." 
Torres: "Unfortunately, it's a very good projection. I feel twenty kilos heavier. ... It even kicks."

Paris (re: Nazis): "Totalitarian fanatics bent on world conquest.  The Borg of their day.  No offense."
Seven: "None taken."

Seven: "Logic is irrelevant.  One day the Borg will assimilate your species despite your arrogance.  When that moment arrives, remember me."

Vis � Vis

Doctor (to Paris re Camero): "Medieval safety constraints, internal combustion system producing lethal levels of carbon monoxide.  Hmm!  I stand corrected.  This may be just what you need to get you back to sick bay."

Alien/Janeway: "Oh, Tom, be sure to send my best regards to B'elanna.  Hmm?  Heh heh heh."

Kim: "I know you've been avoiding the Doctor but don't tell me you've forgotten where Sickbay is."

Kim: "I can't wait to get my hands around one of those clubs.  Ensign Kaplan won't know what hit her."

Kim: "Give the Doctor my best."
Alien/Paris: "I will -- if I ever find him."

Paris: " A classic case of atrophied shocks.  They needed to be extracted to prevent chrome abrasion.  It was touch and go for a while, but the prognosis is excellent."
Doctor: " You'll be ready for neurosurgery in no time."

Paris: "Since when is not wanting to spend time with the Doctor a capital offense?  You'd have to throw the whole crew in the brig for that one."

Alien/Paris: "As hard as I might try to become a better assistant to you, it's clear to me now I'll never be half the healer you are."
Doctor: "Do you mean to tell me you've been trying to live up to my standards?  I had no idea my superior abilities were affecting your psyche so strongly."

Alien/Paris (to Daelen): "Why is everybody trying to shoot me today?"

Seven (to Alien/Steth): "Voyager's hierarchy is complex.  See that you familiarize yourself with it."

Torres: " So this is where you've been hiding?  A garage?"
Paris: " It's more than just a garage!  This is a monument to hundreds and hundreds of hours -- that I probably should have spent with you."
Torres: " Probably?"
Paris: " Definitely."
Torres: " It's a lovely garage, Tom.  But I still don't understand why you brought me here."
Paris: " Consider it a symbolic gesture.  It's my less than subtle attempt to -- let you in."
Torres: " I see.  To make it clear that I mean almost as much to you as a cameo."
Paris: " It's a mint condition, 1969 Camero.  And yes, you mean a lot more to me."

Omega Directive

Chakotay: " How far away are those ships?"
Paris: " They're right on our tail."

Chakotay (to Janeway): "That's a reasonable argument, but you're not always a reasonable woman." 

Doctor (to Janeway): "I don't know what's going on here, but I'd hate this to be the last time I ever see you."

Janeway: "I can't ignore orders, but I won't ask the crew to risk their lives because of my obligation."
Chaktoay: "My obligation.  That's where you're wrong.  Voyager may be alone out here, but you're not.  Let us help you."

Janeway: "Omega's too dangerous.  I won't risk half the quadrant to satisfy our curiosity.  It's arrogant and it's irresponsible.  The final frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and we're looking at one."

Janeway: "Sometimes fear should be respected, Seven."

Janeway (to Tuvok):  "For the duration of this mission, the prime directive is rescinded." 

Janeway (to Seven): "I don't care if you can make it sing and dance; we're getting rid of it." 

Janeway: "You have your orders, and I expect you to follow them."
Chakotay: "That's expecting a lot."

Janeway (Tuvok): "I'm also a woman who occasionally knows when to quit."

Janeway (re: da Vinci hologram): "Master da Vinci doesn't like visitors after midnight."
Seven: "He protested.  I deactivated him."

Kim: "Seven's taking this hive mentality just a little too far.  Designated functions; numbered drones.  I wouldn't be surprised if she started plugging us into alcoves."
Chakotay: "When in the collective, Harry, adapt."

Kim (to Seven): "Still, that probably makes you the most intelligent human being alive."

Kim (to Seven): "So, what do you need the rest of us for?  Forget I asked." 

Seven: "Omega is infinitesimally complex, yet harmonious.  To the Borg it represents perfection."

Seven: "Six of Ten, this is not your assignment."
Kim: "Stop calling me that."

Seven: "Your new designation is Two 0f Ten."
Kim: "You're demoting me?"

Seven: "Your Starfleet directive is no longer relevant.  I have found a way to control Omega."
Janeway: "I don't care if you can make it sing and dance.  We're getting rid of it."
Seven: "A foolish decision."
Janeway: "Yes, but it's my decision to make.  Now step aside."


Chakotay: "Don't go back with the tracer.  Stay here for a while -- at least a couple of days.  We can get to know each other again."
Kellin: "I honestly can't imagine what would be served by that."

Chakotay: "Any idea where she might fit in?"
Tuvok: "Mister Neelix could use an assistant in the mess hall."
Chakotay: "Tuvok, that was a joke.  Don't deny it -- you were trying to be funny."
Tuvok: "It's perfectly logical.  All the qualities you mentioned would help in defending Neelix against the periodic wrath of the crew." 

Kellin: "You see -- we've met before."
Chakotay: "If that were true, I'm sure I'd remember."
Kellin: "No, you wouldn't.  You couldn't."

Kellin: "So please be honest.  If you feel nothing for me, just tell me and I'll leave."
Chakotay: "Don't go."

Kellin (to Tuvok and Seven): "That's what I always liked about you two; such unyielding logic, such refreshing skepticism." 

Kim: "It's usually considered a good idea if two people get to know each other before they become intimate."
Seven: "Why is that?"
Kim: "Because it's more comfortable.  You spend some time together.  You laugh.  You talk.  That makes it easier to get closer."
Seven: "But the end result is the same, is it not?"
Kim: "Well, I guess so."
Seven: "Then I fail to see what is accomplished by all the talk."
Kim: "Seven, if you don't get it, I can't explain it to you."
Seven: "Obviously."

Neelix (to Chakotay): "Commander, I don't think you can analyze love.  It's the greatest mystery of all.  No one knows what happens, or doesn't.  Love is a chance combination of elements.  Any one thing might be enough to keep it from igniting; a mood, a glance, a remark.  And if we could define love -- predict it -- it would probably lose its power."

Paris: " So you're going to realign your sensors with Seven.  Sounds like fun."
Kim: " Very funny."

Tuvok: "I'd rather not engage in speculation.  It is a dangerous pastime."

Living Witness

Doctor: "Voyager wasn't a warship.  We were explorers."
Quarren: "Yes, I know: trying to get home, to Mars."
Doctor: "Earth!  You see, you couldn't even get that right!" 

Doctor: "Inconsistencies? I don't know where to begin.  Granted, this looks like the briefing room, but these aren't the people I knew.  No one behaved like this.  Well -- aside from Mister Paris."

Doctor: "Facts be damned!  Names, dates, places -- it's all open to interpretation.  Who's to say what really happened?"

Doctor (to Quarren): "B'Elanna Torres; intelligent, beautiful and with a chip on her shoulder the size of the Horsehead Nebula.  She also had a kind of vulnerability that made her quite endearing."

Doctor (re: museum recreation): "Somewhere, halfway across the galaxy I hope, Captain Janeway is spinning in her grave." 

Janeway recreation: "Defeat, genocide -- why quibble with semantics?"

Janeway recreation: " When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative -- violence.  Force must be applied without apology.  It's the Starfleet way."

Paris recreation (to Neelix in recreation): "Watch your mouth, Hedgehog."

Seven: "Resistance is futile." 

Tabris (to museum visitors): "And the Doctor?  Well, he served as our surgical chancellor for many years until he decided to leave.  He took a small craft and set a course for the Alpha Quadrant, attempting to trace the path of Voyager.  He said he had 'A longing for home'."

Quarren: "Please, this isn't about race."
Kyrian Commissioner: "It's always about race."


Chakotay (to Seven): "I guess you never assimilated any Indian scouts."

Doctor: "This is a sickbay, not a dormitory." 

Paris (to Kim): "You must be bucking for a promotion." 

Paris: " You put Tuvok in his place; right in front of everybody."
Kim: " He was stating the obvious again, talking down to me like I didn't know anything about Demon Class planets."
Paris: " I'm not criticizing you.  Believe me, nobody enjoys seeing the Vulcan Master put down a peg more than I do."

Paris (to Chakotay): "Don't tell me a big, tough guy like you is afraid of a little poisoned atmosphere." 

Paris: "We could set up a bicycle in the mess hall, attach a generator, pedal home."
Janeway: "Why didn't I think of that?"

Paris: "Have you put on weight?"
Kim: "You're just out of shape."
Paris: "I'll make you a deal, you hold your breath till we get back to the shuttle, and I promise I'll start exercising every day."
Kim: "Maybe you should start with the bicycle."
Paris: "I thought I told you to hold your breath."

Seven: "When faced with desperate circumstances, we must adapt."

Seven (to Chakotay): "Efficiency is relative, Commander." 

Tuvok: "I could give you a litany of damaged systems, Captain.  But suffice it to say; now that we're down, we won't be going up again soon."

Vorik: " We should have transporters back online within the hour."
Torres: " Well, that's great!  But, right now, I'm more concerned with little things, like -- oh -- I don't know -- say -- life support!"
Vorik: " Indeed.  According to my calculations, environmental systems will cease to function in two hours."
Torres: "...  You say that like you're giving me the weather report."
Vorik: " Oh, I agree the situation is dire, but losing our cool will not help matters."
Torres: "'Losing our cool.' Where did you pick up that expression?"
Vorik: "Mister Paris."
Torres: " Well, there's hope for you yet."


Chakotay: "I know your bond with Seven is unique, different from everyone else's.  From the beginning, you've seen things in her that no one else could.  But maybe you could help me understand some of those things."
Janeway: "I don't know if I can.  It's just instinct.  There's something inside me that says she can be redeemed.  In spite of her insolent attitude, I honestly believe she wants to do well by us."

Doctor: "I think you need a little brush-up course in how to get along with people."
Seven: "There is no one here to 'get along with'."
Doctor: "I'm here!"

Doctor: "Are you frightened?   
Seven: "I am Borg."

Doctor (to Seven): "I'll complain if I want to.  It's comforting."

Doctor: "This journey certainly hasn't lacked excitement.  I can't complain about being bored."
Seven: "Since you find it comforting, you'll undoubtedly find something else to complain about."

Doctor: "Between impulse and action, there is a realm of good taste begging for your acquaintance."
Seven: "I find your self-expression ponderous."

Doctor: " It's not unheard of for people to come out of stasis and start wondering around.  Leave it to Mister Paris to be as much trouble now as when he's awake."

Doctor: "Home sweet sickbay." 

Janeway (to Seven): "We've come fifteen thousand light-years.  We haven't been stopped by temporal anomalies, warp core breaches, or hostile aliens.  And I am damned if I'm going to be stopped by a nebula."

Kim: " Neelix, this soup is great.  What is it?"
Neelix: " It's my secret recipe.  I've never told anyone what's in it."
Paris: " Why does that make me nervous?"
Torres: " Oh come on, Tom, where's your sense of adventure?"
Paris: " Not in my stomach.  Food and mystery don't go together.  I like to know what I'm eating."
Torres: " Coward."

Kim (to Paris): "Should I replicate you a teddy bear?" 

Trajis Lo-Tarik: "You don't have to beg me.  You don't even have to ask.  All you have to do is make a choice."

Paris: "I just don't like closed places.  I never have.  I don't know why."   
Seven: "Perhaps you dislike being alone."

Seven: "I cannot function alone."

Seven: "I am Seven of Nine.  I am alone ... but I will adapt."

Seven: "I felt the need for companionship."

Hope and Fear

Arturis: "The Borg Collective is like a force of nature.  You don't feel anger toward a storm on the horizon; you just avoid it."

Chakotay: �Let�s not pack our bags just yet.� 

Janeway (to Arturis): "As long as you're alive, there's hope."

Janeway: "I've learned to walk the line between hope and caution."

Janeway: �It wasn�t exactly time to take a poll.� 

Janeway (to Seven): "I realize that I've been hard on you at times.  But it was never out of anger or regret that I brought you on board.  I'm your captain.  That means I can't always be a friend."

Janeway: "Sometimes you've got to look back, in order to move forward."

Janeway: "Sounds to me like you're starting to embrace your humanity."
Seven: "No.  But as I said, nothing is impossible."

Paris (re: new ship): �Wow.�
Tuvok: �Wow, indeed.� 

Seven: " You are fatigued and concerned that I will defeat you."
Janeway: " Tired, yes.  Concerned, no."

Seven: " Lieutenant, you seem eager to return to Earth."
Torres: " Eager?  I wouldn't go that far."
Seven: " You were a member of the Maquis.  Starfleet command will no doubt hold you responsible for a multitude of crimes.  You will find nothing on Earth but adversity."
Torres : " Well, that's looking on the bright side.  Let's put it this way; I'd rather face the music at home than spend the rest of my life out here in the Delta quadrant.  What about you, looking forward to seeing Earth?"
Seven: " No."
Torres: " I'm not surprised.  You think people are going to resent an ex-Maquis, what about an ex-drone?  We'll be outcasts together.  I'm kidding Seven, it's a joke.  Work on that sense of humor.  It'll help you make friends on Earth."

Seven: "Intuition is a human fallacy."

Seven: "'Impossible' is a word that humans use far too often."

Seven: "I am no longer Borg, but the prospect of becoming human is -- unsettling.  I don't know where I belong."
Janeway: "You belong with us."