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Non-Numbered Novels

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Metamorphosis - Jean Lorrah

Vendetta - Peter David

Reunion - Michael Jan Friedman

Imzadi - Peter David

The Devil's Heart - Carmen Carter

Dark Mirror - Diane Duane

Q-Squared - Peter David

Crossover - Michael Jan Friedman

Kahless - Michael Jan Friedman

Ship of the Line - Diane Carey

The Best and the Brightest - Susan Wright

Brand: "... there are rules against doing something that can get yourself killed."

Brand: "In Starfleet, we either win together or fail as a group."

Wu: "Merdu!"

Picard: "... the essence of command is not to lead, but to follow orders."

Jayme: "... having a passion for something makes for nine-tenths of the success."

Captain Jord: "We're all slaves in one way or another."

Planet X - Michael Jan Friedman

Copyright � by Marvel Characters, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. - No infringement intended.

"When one wanted information, Data had learned, it was sometimes easier not to go to the horse's  mounth."

Storm: "You have to understand something about the world we come from, Captain.  As long as any of a us can remember, we have been hunted and feared by so-called 'normal' human beings.  Being accepted for what we are ... it has always been a dream to us, a goal we could hold up but never realistically hope to attain."   
Picard: "So I've been apprised."  
Storm: "It in your reality,   prejudice and race hatred seem to have been eliminated.  Had we not seen it with our own eyes, we would never have believed it.  And yet, here it is.  We wield powers your people have never heard of.  In our world, we would've been cast out for that -- purged mercilessly from society.  But no one here has tried to purge us.  On the contrary -- they have done everything in their power to embrace us." 
Picard: "I see."  
Storm: "I hope so.  I hope you comprehend the wonder of a society that judges each being on his or her merits.  More than your technological advances, more than the great distances you have traveled in search of knowledge ... this is the true miracle of your Federation, Captain.  This is your greatest achievement."

Storm: "... there is a difference between knowing how someone feels and how someone is going to feel."

Banshee: "We're used t' operatin' on our own, y'know.  That's th' way were most effective."

"The android recalled the mutant's cry and understood.  But then, after what he had seen Nightcrawler accomplish, he should have known better than to underestimate the resourcefulness of an X-Man."

Shadowcat: "We came, we saw, we conquered."

Xhaldian mob: "They're freaks.  They don't belong among decent people."

Colossus: "It is always that way, is it not?  They hate us, they revile, and yet we help them anyway."

Nightcrawler: "You ask a lot of me, my friend.  It's a good thing I'll like you."

Nightcrawler: "Don't distract me.  When I'm tired, I need to concentrate even harder."

Data: "Why do you mistrust me so? Can you not see that I am like you?"  
Transformed: "You're nothing like to us."  
Data: "Nor am I like anyone else.  In fact, I am unlike any other creature in the entire galaxy. ...   I am different.  And because of that, I have been treated unfairly on occasion.  I have even been ignored, which is sometimes worse than being treated unfairly.  But despite everything, I still trust.  (re: Nightcrawler) He, too, is different.  On his world, he is shunned and even feared merely because he does not look and act the way normal people do.   Would you do to Nightcrawler what others have done to him? What others have done to you?   Would you shun him and fear him without cause, simply because he is unfamiliar to you? Because he is ... different? ...   If you were going to trust someone, would you not trust someone who had experienced what you are experiencing now?  Someone like myself, perhaps ... or Nightcrawler here?"

Storm: "I think it's wrong to kill anyone.  There is always another way, if one tries hard enough to find it."

Wolverine (to Isadjo, Draa'kon Implementor): "I'll bet you're the creepy crawl or in charge. I mean, you are the biggest, fattest guy around."

Storm: "... leaders seldom enjoy stable relationships -- which is no more than the truth is I have observed it."

Nightcrawler: "Your universe is too exhausting, mein freund. I prefer a place that's nice and restful, where I just have to battle the odd villain from time to time."

Watcher: "I have seen one being after another tamper with the integrity of Time and Space.... Yet none of them ever seemed to obtain the results he desired."  Q: "That's because none of them were me, Watcher old bean. A yank here, a tug there, and the Enterprise's timehook -- which was in storage on Starbase 88 --  wound up saturated with verteron particles.  That, in turn, drew the X-Men into the Enterprise's universe, where they were eminently available to help solve the mutant crisis on Xhaldia.  What could be simpler?"

Imzadi II:  Triangle - Peter David

I, Q - Peter David and John de Lancie

The Valiant - Michael Jan Friedman