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Season 2

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Points of Departure

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."
Sheridan: "It was an early earth president, Abraham Lincoln, who best described our situation. 'The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion. We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor, to the last generation. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, or last best hope for Earth.'"


G'Kar: "Weep for the future.... Weep for us all. ... I have looked into the darkness ....  You can not do that and never be quite the same again."

The Geometry of Shadows

Elric: "Do not try the patience of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

Franklin: "I can give you something for the pain."  
Ivanova: "Oh, great, now you can give me something for the pain. Where were you when I was going through puberty?"

A Distant Star

Sheridan: "... the Minbari never tell you the whole truth."

Garibaldi: "... I eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want."

Franklin: "People don't eat right -- skip meals, eat strange things at odd hours.  I mean, someone has to lookout for your health."
Garibaldi: "O.K.  Fine!  Diet!"
Franklin: "No, no, no, no!  Food plan!"

Captain Jack Maynard: "It's funny.  You never know what you're going to find when you look over the edge of what's known and into what's not."

Franklin: "A doctor and his patient are a team."

Franklin: "I recommend iron supplements and an increased diet -- food plan - to replenish your system."
Ivanova: "I'll gain weight."
Franklin: "Briefly, yes!"
Ivanova: "Figures -- all my life I fought against imperialism.  Now, suddenly, I am the expanding Russian frontier."
Franklin: "But with very nice borders."

Sheridan: "If the primates that we came from had known that someday politicians would come out of the gene pool, they'd have stayed up in the trees and written evolution off as a bad idea."

Sheridan: "An old friend of mine once quoted me an ancient Egyptian blessing: 'God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.'"

Delenn: "The universe puts us in places where we can learn.  They're never easy places.  But they are right.  Wherever we are is the right place at the time.  The pain that sometimes come is part of the process of constantly being born."

Delenn: "... I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station and the nebulae outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are star stuff, we are the universe, made manifest, trying to figure itself out. As we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective."

The Long Dark

Mariah Cirrus: "What ... have I missed?"  Franklin: "Oh. The usual. The good times, and the bad times, the revelations, the revolutions. Outbreaks of hysteria, the parade of scandals, promises, constitutions, and the occasional war. The last big ones were against the Dilgar, which we won, and against the Minbari, which ... Well, that's a long story."

A Spider in the Web

Ivanova: "... you know how I feel about telepaths."  
Sheridan: "Do I ever. You threw one out of a third story window on Io."  
Ivanova: "There was an ample pool below the window."  
Sheridan: "Alas, I assume you knew that."

Soul Mates

A Race through Dark Places

Delenn: "We do not have cats on Minbar, we have gogs. ... Such creatures are an attempt by the universe to make sure that we never take ourselves too seriously."

The Coming of Shadows

Sheridan:  "If you love, love without reservation. If you fight, fight without fear."

Emperor Turhan (re: regrets):  "... enough to fill a lifetime. So much has been lost, so much forgotten. So much pain, so much blood. And for what, I wonder. The past tempts us, the present confuses us, the future frightens us, and our lives slip away moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between. But there is still time to cease that one last fragile moment. To choose something better, to make a difference, as you say. And I intend to do just that."

Londo: "He said that we are both damned."  
Refa: "Well. It's a small enough price to pay for immortality."

G'Kar: "I was ready. I had prepared myself, made my peace with the universe, put all my affairs in order. I had the dagger in my hand! And he has the indecency to start dying on his own. Never in my life have I seen a worse case of timing."

Sheridan: "Sheridan's Rule #29: Always make your opponent think you know more than you really know."


Delenn: "We are all slaves to our histories. If there is to be a bright future, we must learn to break those chains."

All Alone in the Night

Delenn: "Summoned, I take the place that has been prepared for me. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

Acts of Sacrifice

Londo: "It is good to have friends.... Even if, maybe, only for a little while?"

Hunter, Prey

There All the Honor Lies

And Now for a Word

G'Kar: "Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy less advanced one? Because the land is strategically valuable, because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited, but most of all, simply because they can."

In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum

Delenn: "There are beings in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. Once, long ago, they walked among the stars like giants, vast, timeless. Taught the younger races, explored beyond the rim, created great empires, but to all things, there is an end. Solely, over a million years, First Ones went away. Some passed beyond the stars never to return. Some simply disappeared."

Morden: "I'll admit my knowledge of the law is somewhat limited, but I believe it's tradition if you're going to hold someone, you should at least charge them with something."

Franklin: "... I asked if you believed in God."  
Ivanova: "Most of the time."


Londo: "The blood is already on my hands. Right or wrong, .. I must follow the path .. to its end."

Confessions and Lamentations

Delenn: "Don't look away, Captain. All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you, in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall."

Divided Loyalties

Ivanova: "Does the phrase 'No way in hell.' ring a bell?"

Sheridan: "Why is it every time you finally get things calmed down and everything's going great life decides to kick you in the butt?" 

Sheridan: "Absofragginlutely."

Ivanova: "I suggest you move those eyes somewhere else. While you still have them."

Ivanova (to Talia Winters): "I have been nothing but compassionate and understanding. I mean, all you had to do was to admit you were wrong and I was right and everything would've been fine."

The Long, Twilight Struggle

G'Sten: "There's always hope. Or at least that's what I tell myself when I wake up in the middle of the night and the only sound I can hear is the beating of my own desperate heart."

Delenn: "Absofragginlutely, dammit."

G'Kar: "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies can not stand. ... Though it take a thousand years, we will be free."

Comes the Inquisitor

G'Kar: "Mr. Garibaldi. I have been on this station long enough to know that you don't ask leading questions unless you already know the answers. So, why don't we just pretend I've lied about it, you've caught me in your web of insufferable logic and cut to the point."

Sebastian: "How can you be expected to fight for someone else when you haven't the faintest idea who you are?"

Sebastian: "... No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother. Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame. But, for one person. In the dark, where no one will ever know, or see. I have been in the service of the Vorlons for centuries, looking for you. Diogenies with his lamp, looking for an honest man willing to die for all the wrong reasons. At last, my job is finished. Yours is just beginning. When the darkness comes, know this: you are the right people, in the right place, at the right time."

Sebastian: "... May your choices have better results than mine."

The Fall of Night

Ivonova: "The way things are going, I figured it might be nice to have a reminder that the impossible is possible."

Sheridan: "I apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million citizens, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. As with everything else, it's the thought that counts."