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Star Fleet Academy Novels

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

#1 Lifeline by Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss

 "…Diasoman, a language that sounded like 'German spoken underwater by a toothless cat'…."

Commander Etienne Mallet: "Hard Lesson Number One…. Unfair is not a Starfleet concept.  Life is unfair.  Death is unfair.  Space is unfair.  Deal with it."

Mallet: "You see, as a member of Starfleet, not only will the fate of our fellow shipmates and those under your command hang on your slightest actions, but upon occasion entire civilizations, planets, even whole star systems, will live or die by your performance.  We don't want competent beings.  That's a given.  What we expect is the impossible as a matter of daily duty.  If you don't think you're up to that, leave now."

Mallet: "Space is not compassionate.  Sometimes lives are lost."

ThrumPol: "Functioning on our own becomes easier - as time goes by.  The trick is - to keep moving forward and not look back."

Kathryn Janeway: "I don't know what's happening anymore.  I mean, no matter how hard I try, I fail.  No matter how focused I am, everything's a blur.  I don't know what I'm doing anymore!"

Amelia Earhart hologram: "…flying solo isn't easy.  It never was.  If you think it's hard now, wait until your problems are real."

Janeway: "I want a life of adventure.  I want to explore places nobody's ever been before, see things nobody's seen before."

Amelia Earhart hologram: "Kid, you're not falling apart.  You're just trying too hard to do too much.  You're only one person, and there are only twenty-four hours in a day.  You can only accomplish so much."

Mallet: "The Academy can't have its officers-in-training running to their imaginary friends when things get tough."

Mallet: "It's easy to forget the simple rules of logic in an emergency situation."

Dunkirk Frost: "Life can be just as challenging but a whole lot easier if you let somebody else help once in a while."

Janeway: "Admitting a mistake and enduring the consequences was part of being a good Starfleet officer."

Mallet: "Not all tests are purely intellectual."

#2 The Chance Factor by Diana G. Gallagher and Martin R. Burke

Commander Roberts: "You have to consider all the 'ifs' in any situation, because the Chance Factor is always present.  The Chance Factor is a defining phrase for the fact that nothing is absolutely certain or predictable…."

Kathryn Janeway: "So we should have considered everything that could go wrong and then taken precautions against them - no matter how remote the possibilities."

Roberts: "It's impossible to take everything into account.  Starfleet's business is the unknown, and sometimes the unknown is deadly.  But there are certain pitfalls we can always avoid."

Roberts: "Arrogance and assumption are the prelude of disaster."

Commander Brannon: "Academy cadets are expected to strive for and achieve a level of excellence but no one is perfect.  No one."

Brannon: "The essence of exploration is the discovery of the unknown and consequently, the handling of unpredictable situations.  Starfleet officers have to be flexible in order to function effectively and they must be prepared to cope with the unexpected."

Brannon: "…a good officer has to accept and overcome his or her own imperfections and deal with the limitations of others."

Janeway: "The Chance Factor…was a constant.  The unpredictable and unexpected was always there, waiting to happen."

Janeway: "…it's foolish to think that chance will always work in our favor."

Janeway: "The Chance Factor could turn their diminishing hope for success into certain defeat in mere seconds."

T'Lor: "Ambassador Spock once said that 'one should mourn the loss of life only if that life has been wasted.'"

Janeway: "The only thing we can predict is that the unpredictable will happen."

Janeway: "…the Chance Factor was not likely to let them off…easily.  It was constant and inescapable.  Expecting the unexpected was the only way to be prepared to deal with it quickly and effectively."

#3 Quarantine by Patricia Barnes-Svarney 

Blinar: "…old habits and sayings die hard."

Lane: "His are promises with no results.  That is more like the actions of one who is scared."

Kathryn Janeway: "…something had to be done, even if it had to be done one step at a time."

Zan: "…leaders must protect their people by making some tough decisions."

Zan: "Before we can negotiate anything with the outside universe, we must make sure our own house is in working order."