Rogue Hackers Gallery
                     by Daryl Lindsey

                    Sep 4/98.
                    The investigation into Kevin Mitnick's alleged
                     hacking crimes is just one recent example of
                     the FBI cranking up its computer crimes

                     In the wake of recent Pentagon network
                     break-ins, which forced the hand of the US
                     Justice Department and defense advisers to do
                     serious network security soul searching, the
                     feds are intensifying their efforts to halt
                     computer crime. The number of pending FBI
                     investigations into computer intrusions in 1998
                     has grown to 480, a 133 percent increase over

                     Despite the hurdles investigators face tracking
                     bit bandits, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
                     has taken down some of the country's most
                     notorious. Here's a rundown of memorable
                     convictions in the past decade:

                     ROBERT TAPPAN MORRIS
                     Convicted in 1990

                     Sentence: three years probation, community
                     service, fine

                     Robert Morris' worm virus wrought such havoc
                     on the Internet when it was unfurled on 2
                     November 1988 that curators at the Boston
                     Computer Museum keep a copy in its historical
                     collection. Morris, a scrappy 24-year-old Cornell
                     University grad student, cited two inspirations
                     behind his mischievous keying: Shockwave
                     Rider by John Brunner -- a book about a
                     gearhead warrior who tries to overthrow a
                     network-dependent government by infesting its
                     autocratic information arteries with a program
                     called a "worm" -- and his own computer

                     Reproducing like mosquitoes on a bayou in
                     summer, Morris' worm caused millions of dollars
                     in damage at infected universities, NASA, the
                     military, and other federal government agencies,
                     and choked about 10 percent of Internet traffic.
                     One of the first big trials held after the passage
                     of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986,
                     Morris was convicted in 1990 and sentenced to
                     three years probation and 400 hours of
                     community service. He was also fined
                     US$10,000, and suspended from Cornell.

                     LEGION OF DOOM
                     Convicted in 1990

                     Sentences: 14 to 21 months in prison

                     "Basically, they wanted to own 'Ma Bell,'" said
                     Assistant US Attorney Kent Alexander,
                     describing the hacking ambitions of the Atlanta
                     branch of Legion of Doom to a Newsday reporter.
                     The group, taking its cue from the villains of the
                     popular Superfriends cartoon, turned BellSouth
                     into their own Hall of Doom, hacking and
                     copying the telco's 911 network.

                     BellSouth sniffed out the group in 1990 and
                     turned them over to the FBI. The Legion was
                     also known for marginally less nefarious hacks:
                     breaking into phone company computers,
                     seizing phone lines, and eavesdropping on
                     phone conversations. Two Legion members were
                     convicted of conspiracy and another for
                     possession of illegal access devices and intent
                     to defraud. Franklin Darden, 24, and Adam
                     Grant, 22, both got 14-month prison sentences;
                     Robert Riggs, 22, got 21 months. The
                     network-menacing triumvirate were also forced
                     to pay US$223,000 in restitution.

                     KEVIN POULSEN
                     Convicted in 1991

                     Sentence: four years in prison, three-year ban
                     from computer use, fine

                     Armed with the "Trash-80" his parents gave him,
                     Dark Dante (Kevin Poulsen) was adept at
                     trespassing ARPANET and other government
                     and private networks. Still a teen when first
                     caught in 1983, Poulsen was offered the typical
                     post-hacker glam job as a security expert with
                     hush-hush government-contractor SRI
                     International in Menlo Park, California.

                     Poulsen spent his evenings hacking and
                     breaking into Pacific Bell's innermost nodes.
                     Unlike most of his contemporaries, Poulsen was
                     a bit of a cheater -- he was an ace at picking
                     locks, and would break into phone company
                     offices and steal gear and manuals that would
                     provide guides to the network once he hacked it.
                     He was charged with computer crimes,
                     espionage (a charge later dropped), and
                     telephone fraud in 1990, but taunted prosecutors
                     with his hacking prowess and evaded arrest for
                     17 months.

                     On the lam, Poulsen seized control of the phone
                     lines at a Los Angeles radio station to win a
                     convertible Porsche and trips to Hawaii. The
                     feds extinguished Dark Dante's inferno in 1991.
                     Poulsen was tried and convicted of computer
                     crimes in relation to his new-found Porsche
                     fetish and given the harshest hacker sentence
                     ever: four years in prison, a US $58,000 fine,
                     and a ban from using computers for three years
                     after his release.

                     MASTERS OF DECEPTION
                     Convicted in 1992

                     Sentences: six months to one year in prison,
                     community service, probation

                     Operating out of Brooklyn and Queens in New
                     York, the ethnically diverse Masters of
                     Deception sought empowerment and street cred
                     by hacking the networks of blue-chip
                     corporations (including AT&T, Bank of America,
                     and TRW) and the National Security Agency,
                     using disarmingly primitive tools, like
                     Commodore 64 computers.

                     Five members of MOD were tried for computer
                     intrusions and stealing confidential information
                     from credit reports. Convicted in 1992,
                     celebrated Phiber Optik (Mark Abene) was
                     sentenced to one year in jail. Acid Phreak (Eli
                     Ladopoulos) and Scorpion (Paul Stira), were
                     given six-month sentences, community
                     services, and probation. Corrupt (John Lee) was
                     sent to prison for a year. Outlaw (Julio
                     Fernandez) avoided jail time by cooperating with

                     All were under 22 at the time of their indictment.
                     New York city gave Phiber Optik a homecoming
                     worthy of king when he got released from jail:
                     fellow hackers feted him, and New York
                     magazine named him one of the city's 100
                     smartest people.

                     JUSTIN TANNER PETERSEN
                     Convicted in 1995

                     Sentence: 3.5 years in prison, restricted use of
                     computers for three years, fine

                     Agent Steal, as the fast-car and bondage-loving
                     scammer Justin Petersen was known in the
                     hacker community, was arrested in 1993. He
                     pleaded guilty to computer fraud charges for his
                     efforts in rigging the same "Win a Porsche by
                     Friday" radio contest as Kevin Poulsen, and
                     digitally pickpocketing US$150,000 from a
                     Glendale, California, financial services company.

                     Petersen, then 32, agreed to rat on Poulsen and
                     help prosecutors hunt other hackers in
                     exchange for lenient treatment. He even helped
                     agents bust Kevin Mitnick on a parole violation.
                     But Petersen fled when the FBI caught him
                     hacking again -- he was illegally tapping into
                     banks while working with prosecutors.

                     When he was finally convicted in 1995, he was
                     sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison,
                     three years probation that allowed him to use
                     computers only at work, and ordered to pay
                     more than US$40,000 restitution. Petersen
                     returned to jail this summer for parole violations.

        Taken from Wired online