Digital Signatures Web Ring Members About Digital Signatures Web Ring Where to get the code Digital Images Recommended Links Examples of Digital Signatures and Calling Cards Join the Digital Signatures Web Ring Pick up the image for your web ring Email Digital Images Digital Image Web Ring's Rules Sign our Signature Guest Book, even if you don't have a signature yet

Ring Images and Navigational Web Ring Systems

We offer a variety of navigational systems for the Digtial Signatures Web Ring. At this time we also allow members to make their own navigational system to match their web page graphics. First install one of the issued navigational systems below and put your page or forum into the web ring. After your page is in the web ring, you can then change the graphics, buttons and tables to suit your site. You can see an example of a customized Digital Signatures Web Ring navigational system at the bottom of my Friendship Signatures Site.

Download the images to your harddrive by right clicking on the web ring logo and buttons, and saving each of them individually to your computer. The images will need to be loaded from your computer to your web space on the Internet. Please do not link directly to the images. Be sure to get the code for the image ring you wish you use. You can find the code on the code page of this site, or you can use the handy zip links to download the code and images together.

Web Ring Navigations created for use on this site, and are used with permissions if not created ~by Jeannie~. Please contact Jeannie if you made a web ring navigational system for this page and you want it removed, and I will remove it.

Contact me via the email page of this site, if you would like to submit a ring navigational system to be offered for member use.

The ring below created for you to use by Jeannie. This ring sports a transparent table, on here it looks like it has a white background, but your web page background will show when it's on your page (okay to change font colors and size to match your page. Download this set and it's code here.

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This navigation table was created by ej. Again, you will see a transparent table here. Font colours and size may be changed to match your page. You may download the images and HTML fragment for this navigation table here.

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Harm's giant-size navigation images. This looks good on a black background; be sure to change the fonts to match the colors of your page.  Get the images and ring code in this zip file.

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Copyrights are held by the individual artist. Please respect copyrights. These images are free to use for web ring users if their site is approved into the ring, or while waiting for approval.