First the MP3z.  What is an MP3? Basically it allows people to compress HUGE .wav files into less than 10% of their original size at the same quality! At CD Quality it is approximately 1MB/min of music! Music is for people's enjoyment, MP3'z is for everyone's benefit.  Dunno why these people bag them as long as they're legal.


MP3z are good! Everyone is happy! To hell with the ripoff CD's!

Pure Music! No Porno Ads! No Voting Booths!

pure.gif (4920 bytes) pure2.gif (4774 bytes)

Some Quality MP3 Linx

Note : all of the following links contain no illegal MP3z.  All of them promote legal MP3.  So there.





Definitive site for information on MP3z


Great site of MP3z, lots of info and large archive - mainly techno, with other stuff - lotsa stuff everything.  Enuf said.


The Edge MP3 - News, downloads, links to MP3 software


To get MP3z use Getright and log on to whatever server that has them.


scour.jpg (12987 bytes)    Also there is SCOUR.NET, u can search for both MIDI and MP3, really good search engine




Pretty much the most popular music format on the net, but the quality is definitely not as good as MP3z, but the size is tiny. And also you can't have singing, MIDI is instrumental only.  For people who have really limited bandwidth and don't mind the quality and the limiting to orchestral music, these are for you.  People spend a long time synthesizing the music into MIDI so appreciate them.  The song that should be playing now in the background now farily long but the MIDI file is only around 50 kilobytes!  For an MP3 the size would be around a few MB's on CD quality.  But you can have voices on an MP3, that is a big plus.


Cool MIDI linx

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