This is page 2 of Internet Companies that will pay you to surf the web for free!
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Still awaiting the release of Harry The Dot, DotAd's banner program promises to, and I quote, look "cute and small and will even flirt with you by�giving you a wink!" �You will be able to check how much money you have made by logging onto their website, and DotAd will be notifying members when they can download Harry.
ePIPO's SurfWindow is currently in a beta release and will be available for general download very soon! �You will be paid $0.60/hr your run the SurfWindow and $0.10/hr for each of your referrals. �Their maximum number of payable hours is 50 per month.
With a little different interface, you download the Banner Viewer, an external web browser based on MSIE, which can be minimized into an ad banner by right-clicking on the GoToWorld logo. They allow a maximum of 40 hours per month with a payout dependent on the CPM rate (Cost per Mile) calulated at the end of the month.
After finishing the final beta testing, the ItAdsUp will be emailing its memebers to notifiy them where the PC-Bar can be downloaded. �You will make $0.50/hr surfing with the PC-Bar, $0.10/hr from 1st level referals and $0.05/hr from all other referal levels.