The Huge Materia

From Disc 2 onwards, you have the chance to find and collect four 'Huge
Materia'. They can be gotten from these locations:

Blue Materia   - North Corel. You have to save the town from being
                 destroyed by a train during Disc 2.

Yellow Materia - The other Huge Materia is located in the Condor Fort--
                 you can only get this during Disc 2. What you have to
                 do is win the 'mini-battle' sequence atop the tower or
                 you won't receive the Huge Materia.

Green Materia -  Rocket Town. After you and Cid blast off in his ship,
                 you'll have to enter the code command to free the huge
                 Green Materia. If you can't save the Materia, it's lost
                 for good. This quest can only be done during Disc 2.

Red Materia    - Red Submarine. If you were able to sink the red sub
                 during the return trip to Junon Town in Disc 2, you can
                 capture the huge Red Materia from the sunken submarine
                 at any time during Discs 2 or 3. If you weren't able
                 to stop the sub, then this Materia is permanently lost.

While you have to get two of the Huge Materia in order to make the game
progress during Disc 2, you don't need to collect all four of them.
However, you can get the powerful 'Master Materia' from the Huge Materia,
as well as the strongest Bahamut summon materia, 'Bahamut Zero', so it's 
advisable that you try to find them all.  You can receive the following 
materia from each Huge Materia:

NAME                DESCRIPTION              PREREQUISITES
Master Magic        Cast any magic spell     Huge Green materia and a
                                             'master' level for all 21
                                             magic materia.

Master Command      Use most commands        Huge Yellow materia and a
                                             'master' level for seven
                                             command materia (see below).

Master Summon       Use all summon spells    Huge Red materia and a
                                             'master' level for all 16
                                             summon materia.

Bahamut Zero        A summon materia         Huge Blue materia and the
                                             Bahamut and Neo Bahamut
                                             summon materia orbs.

Once you've fulfilled the prerequisites to get a certain master materia,
simply return to Buugen Haagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon and touch
the correct Huge Materia Pick the first option and the screen will glow; 
pick the top option to get your master materia or the bottom option if 
you want to get that particular master materia later. You do have to 
have all the mastered materia on hand, but it doesn't matter whether 
they're equipped or not.

If you're trying to get Bahamut Form Zero, then all you have to do is
touch the huge blue materia and you'll automatically receive it after
choosing the first option; you have to get this summon spell before you
can receive the Master Summon materia. There's good news and bad news,

 - All of the Master materia do not have level stars, so you can't
   simply 'master' them and get a second Master Materia. Wearing
   one doesn't affect your statistics, either. 

 - When you receive a Master materia, you lose all the materia that
   you mastered.  This means that not only will you be left with a
   bunch of low-level materia (since you get another materia of the
   same type when you master it), but you'll have to master each of 
   them if you want to get a second Master materia of that type.  
   The good news is that if you have two mastered orbs of the
   same type (say, two Fire and you're trying to get the Master
   Magic materia), you'll only lose one and keep the other. So, if
   you have two mastered Kjata materia and you get a Master Summon
   materia and want another one, you'll only have to level-up 15 orbs
   instead of 16 since one is already mastered.

Individual notes on the Master materia:

 - If you affix a combination materia like Affect All or Random Magic
   Strike to the Master Magic orb, it will affect all the spells!
   However, not all combination materia work with each spell.

 - When you master a Summon materia, you can call a particular summoned
   beast five times. With the Master Summon materia equipped, you can
   summon any beast an infinite number of times (providing you have the
   MP for it)! Like the Master Magic materia, Combination materia
   attached to this orb will affect all summon spells.

 - You only have to master the Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow, 
   Manipulate and Mimic materia orbs in order to get the Master Command 
   materia. This may sound good, but then again, all you get are the above 
   abilities of those materia: this orb won't let you use other commands 
   like Double Cut, X Item, Enemy Skill, or Slash All, for example 
   (but you can equip these seperately, if you like).

 - And of course, there are no Master Combination or Master Independant