These are some sounds from south park

WebMaster: Trevor


[email protected]

high quality

medium quality

low quality

biggayal.wav � -� Some guy saying he's gay

cartoons.wav � -� Cartmen expressing his feelings about cartoons

armsback.wav - Cartman & Kyle "I can sing the Cheezy Poofs song with both hands tied behind my back." "You couldn't get both your arms behind your back, fatass."

chzpoofs.wav - Cartman sings the Cheezy Poofs song

crackers.wav � -� Chef asking the gang how they are

dildo.wav � -� Cartmen asking Kenny what a dildo is

fart.wav� - � Two guys talking, then one farts!! hehe!!

gaydog.wav - � Some guys talking about Stan's dog

hippie.wav � -� Cartmen and Stan (I think) talking to a hippie

humped.wav � - Someone's 'Grandpa saying sick stuff

kennypup.wav � -� FUNNY AS @$#!, The teacher guy is talking while Kenny is in the background farting

kidsfat.wav � -� Cartmen and his mom talking about how Cartmen is BIG BONED

kylesmom.wav � -� A long song about Kyles mom, song by: � Cartmen

lava.wav� - � a song by:� Chef, talking about how his relationship is like lava

mypotpie.wav � -� Cartmen fighting over Pot Pie with his hat

ohmygod.wav � - Stan saying "Oh my god they killed Kenny"

singa.wav � -� A scene from the episode when Cartmen has an anal probe, and the aliens are controling� him

smokcrak.wav � -� The gang talking about what they can do

sptheme.wav � -� The file name says it all, the (shortened) theme song to South Park

sptheme2.wav - This is the full South Park theme, and it's in rather high quality

tastepee.wav � -� The guys talking about how things taste