S e l e c t e d   P u b l i c a t i o n s

B. Ranguelov, E. Spassov and N. Dotzev. A model for tsunami generation from Bulgarian Black sea sources and prediction of their possible impact. 1983. Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, IX, 4, 91-100

V. Babuska, J. Plomerova and E. Spassov. Deep structure of the lithosphere beneath the territory of Bulgaria. 1987. Studia Geofisica & Geodetica, 31, 266-283.

E. Spassov, S. Shanov, A. Andreev and N. Dotzev. Study of the lithosphere in Bulgaria using Factor Analysis. 1988. Phys. of the Earth and Planet. Inter., 51, 211-213

E. Spassov. Study of the lithosphere in Bulgaria from teleseismic observation and some geologic and geophysical data. 1988. Ph.D. Thes. Geoph. Inst. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 11, 6.

L. Christoskov, B. Ranguelov and E. Spassov. A stohastic prediction of a strong earthquake on the Pacific Mexico coast. 1989. Bulgarian Geoph. Journal, XV, 1 70-75.

E. Botev and E. Spassov. The main features of the lithosphere in the Central part of the Balkan region. 1989. Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik, Leipzig, 98, 5, 388-397.

E. Spassov, S. Shanov, A. Andreev and N. Dotzev. Interrelation of some geologic and geophysical parameters of the lithosphere. 1990. Phyzika Zemly, Moscow, No 3, 33-40.

E.Spassov. A physico-mathematical approach for earthqiake prediction. 1991. Proc. Ist General Conference of the Balkan Physicists, Sept 26-28, Thessaloniki, Greece, 433-435.

S. Shanov, E. Spassov and Tz Georgiev. Evidences for paleosubduction zone in the Central Balkans. 1992. Tectonophysics, 206, 307-314.

R. Young, E. Bryant and E. Spassov. The imprint of tsunami in quaternary coastal sediments of Southeastern Australia. 1996. Bulgarian Geoph. Journal ,v. XXI, No4, 24-32.

E. Spassov, B. Kennett and J. Weekes. Seismogenic zoning of SE Australia. 1997. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v.44, No3, 527-534.

E. Spassov, C. Sinadinovski and K. McCue. 1998. Spatial and temporal variation of seismicity across Australia. Annali di Geofisica (in press).

E. Spassov. 1998. The stress field in Australia from composite fault plane solutions of the strongest earthquakes in the continent. Journal of Seismology, v.2, No2, 173-178 (text  only version).

E. Spassov and B. Kennett. 1998. Stress and faulting in Southeast Australia as derived from the strongest earthquakes in the region. Journal of Aisian Earth Sciences (in press).