This is a picture of my original tattoo, done in...'96? I don't know, '95 or '96. The symbolism behind it is fairly straight-forward: The yin/yang for balance, and the infinity symbol for eternity. Perfect balance forever.

This other picture is of my newest tattoo, which incorporates my old one. I had the old one recolored, and, as you can see, a dragon was born. The dragon is symbolic of protection, which I sometimes think I need.

Maybe you're wondering, "Martin, where'd you get that tattoo done?" Well, I'll tell you. Splash Of Color in East Lansing. The coloring and cloud-work were all the invention of KC, the guy that did this newest one.
And yes, I'm planning on getting others. Right now, my ideas are a Phoenix , although I'm not sure where yet, and a celtic band around my left bicep. It won't happen anytime soon, but it will happen.