Are you in one of these situations?
my best friend adores these guys. he/she is always telling me how wonderful they are and that i should listen to some of their music. well, okay, ill listen to some of their stuff and see why my friend thinks they are so great.
WOW! That song truly madly deeply is so great!! I wanna buy their album, but i don't know if the other songs will live up to Truly Madly Deeply's greatness. I wanna try-before-I-buy.
Well, you have come to the right place. Click on the link(s) that describes how you are, and you'll hear a song that you might like. but note, since this is an american site, these songs are on the american album. (all files are realaudio except for ones with an asterisk, those are wavs)
Gee, they have something for everybody now, don't they?
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Tears of Ketchup