Well, this is the links page. This is a bunch of sites that I have found that are just out there. Besides it's my site and if I want to put a bunch of links here to "At Home With Martha Stewart" I'm gonna do it. SO BACK OFF!!!
Insane Sites
These sites are just plain weird, they're out there. Written by people who should probably be locked up, I love em', and you will too.
Project: Denny's - This guy travels around to all the Denny's restaurants, reviews their services and checks their kitchen for Weird-Al Yankovic look alikes. Fully illustrated with color photos of each Denny's.
Roadkills R Us - Ummmmm.....Just check it out. Help support them in their lawsuit against Toys R Us.
Rubberchicken.Com - Where laughter is the shortest distance between two people. RubberChicken.com is the home of FakeMail, creative pranks, & impractical jokes you can send through the mail.
Sesame Strip - At first Glance it looks like a childrens site, then you start to read the stuff posted here.
Spumco.Com - by the creator of Ren & Stimpy - this page has way-kool stuff on it.
The Virtual Bathroom - A bunch of weird stuff about toilet paper and toilets. It's weird, go here.
Kool Homepages
These sites aren't Insane, but they were kool enough to not go unnoticed.
Anarchist Cookbook - Just the thing your mom never wanted you to read, and i just told you where to find it. HI MOM!!