Here are some little tid-bits on yours truly
My Time:
I like to spend time by myself, absolute peace is a beautiful thing.
I've had the rare opportunity to be exposed to some really interesting people, and it's left me picky about my company.
I love to spend time reflecting, and thinking quietly.
I'm a very strong and generally happy person. I'm not materialistic in any way, and I strive for simplicity and wisdom.
I can't stand scatter-brained, irresponsible people, which is why I didn't enjoy highschool :).
My Brain:
I learned very early on that just cuz it's taught in school doesn't mean it's important.
Knowing an algebra equation isn't going to do me any good while making a major life decision.
I've learned the most through living.
I love learning channels on cable. I could spend an entire night watching the Discovery channel and be very content.
I'm regarded by aquaintances and friends as a responsible, and unusually wise person for my age.
When I'm not sleeping:
I work at a grogery store where I am the "do what ever the hell they tell me to guy". It really isn't as glamorous as it sounds.
I also like playing with graphics and html. Some of my hobbies include; hunting, fishing, other stuff like that.
Random facts about me
I'm left handed
I don't wear contacts
I have a dog named Babs
I like to eat french fries
I have no tattoo's (yet)
I can cross one eye at a time
I get road rage easily
When I'm bored/nervous I get grumpy
I don't have any favorite things
I like to listen to country music really loud
I have one older brother
I can't fall asleep alone without watching tv first
I have massive cleaning frenzies about once a month
I have a troll living in my closet, his name is Delfmut
I love thunderstorms
I don't like talking on the phone for very long
Crowds make me nervous
I bite my bottom lip when I'm concentrating on something
My parents weren't hippies
I don't like rollercoasters
I am absolutely terrified of nothing, except Rosie O'Donnell
I talk in my sleep
I love the Great Lakes
I like chocolate ice cream, not vanilla
I make incredible pancakes
I have never found a four-leaf clover
I like to buy junk... really cheap junk
I have aquired a love for steak
I used to play the trombone
I love my bed
I'd rather stay home than party
I don't cry easily at movies
I'd rather drive than bike
I'd choose a small house on a beach over a mansion
I love peanut butter
I'm rarely satisfied with the things I do
I can't remember half the stuff I learned in highschool
I am forever grateful for my parents' wisdom, insight and support
I believe affirmitive action is insulting minorities, not to mention...the white man
I believe natural disasters are Earth's way of thinning out the herd
I think the herd needs to be thinned
I am pro-choice, because no one has any damn right to tell me what to do with my life
If I were stuck on an island with only three things, I would want:
A fridge stocked with pb&j and milk
A computer with a magical internet connection
a big boat (how come no one ever chooses a boat?)