
Here you can get some answers and ask questions to. If you want to ask a question that is already answer but you have something to add, please go ahead. Look around in the questions and if you find something that you want to read just click on the quest.

Ask me


If you cant see any answer on a question, its really simple. I don't have the time but I will do it later. I donut now the answer or I am tired and don't care for it today :-)


1. How do I do
Just fill up the
2. What kind of quest can I ask
I will answer



1. How do I do.
Just fill up the form above whit text and send it to me. I will answer it when I can but I will put it here immediately. And when I have a answer I will write to you and explain personally if you send your email in the form. (And if you send a lot of money i do housecall and make your homepage for my self :-))

2. What kind of quest can I ask.
I will answer all questions but I will put the quest about my lesson in first spot. All other stuff I do when I have time and feel for it. I do this for fun and that I now that I helped someone. BUT I don't have the time to explain about cgi-programming when we haven't had a lesson about it. If there is any writers that want to answer the heavy questions go head.


  Last time I update this page was 23 aug 1998

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Copyright:    � Jan Bostr�m 1998          [email protected]