my love for  amy

all my heart for my baby

           A taste with you
© by Fantum Poet
I have a taste of the morning with you
Your sound sleep is enough to hypnotize me
The silent breathing in and out...
A gentle kiss and a soft caress
This is how I will wake you from your slumber

I have a taste of the day with you
Your sweet smile and your warm embrace
The way you stand by my side...
My lips will meet yours and your hand will find mine
This is how I will share a day with you

I have a taste of the night with you
Your body cuddled up to mine and our legs intertwined
The way you place my hand upon your chest...
My arms will protect you and keep you warm
This is how I will fall asleep with you

I have a taste of dreaming with you
Your dreams will dance and mine will sing
For as long as they can, they will always be...
And so the morning arrives and I awake beside you
And we'll do it all again.

I love you!!!