Undercore Newsletter Welcome all members to THE UNDER CORE. This organization is not bad(or EVIL Chris!!). It is an organization for kids who like to express themselves in very weird ways. If you want a membership card (Chris!!) they are $1.00 None of these items are essential, and all money is put forth to club profits and materials. The Rules are Simple -1. If you want a new member, they must be approved by majority vote of the council. -2. Don't go babbling everywhere to people about the organization (Kurzawski, Komerawski, and Andreyev) -3. Never show the Newsletter to a non-member These are simple rules and not that hard to follow. If you violate these rules YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE ORGANIZATION!!!! (And Chris we are crazy, but not WAR CRAZY, and we are also very organized.) HERE IS THE UNDER CORE COUNCIL Chasm Jennifer Morgan Karasu Patrica Hiens Carol Schoenberger Christopher Studnicki OTHER MEMBERS ARE... Jessica Donovan Rhonda Warner Joe Roche (possibly)......... (Council approved- still considering) Welcome and Live forever!! x-Chasm---------------------- x-Karasu--------------------- Karasu x-Jessica Donovan------------ ----C O N F I D E N T A L----