I LoVe EeYoRe.....MuAcH.....He he HeFirstI LoVe EeYoRe.....MuAcH.....He he He


Hi MeT DaTaNg dI HoMePaGeS HaNnY YaAa...

BaCk tO ThE ToP Of hAnNy'S HoMePaGeS.....

^-^.....DiSiNi kAmU BiSa LiHaT SeBaGiAn dAtA-DaTa pRiBaDi hAnNy.....^-^

kLiK AjAh dIsInI KaLaU KaMu mAu LiAt fOtO-FoTo hAnNy.....KaLaU JeLeK YaH JaNgAn dIhInA YaH.....mAkLuMm.....DaH DaRi pAbRiKnYa sIh.....HeheHe.....^-^

DiSiNi kAmU BiSa nEmUiN SeMuA TeNtAnG Si KeLeDaI CuTe...'EeYoRe'.....'CoZ I LoVe eEyOrE.....

DiSiNi kAmU BiSa LiAt sEbAgIaN DaRi KoLeKsI WaLlPaPeR HaNnY.....

BaCa dEh yAnG SaTu iNi.....

kLiK AjAh dI SiNi kAlAu kAmU MaU KiRiM SaRaN, KrItIk, De eL eL TeNtAnG HaNnY AtAu hOmEpAgE HaNnY.....TaPi KaLaU CuMa mAu LeBiH KeNaL HaNnY.....BoLeH JuGa sIh.....HeheHe....^-^

 JaNgAn LuPa nGiSi gUeStBoOk hAnNy yAcH.....^-^

        ThAnK YoU FoR ViSiTiNg mY HoMePaGeS.....

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kAtAkAnLaH PaDa YeSuS DaLam dOa-Mu...MaTiUs 7 : 7FOOTPRINTSkAtAkAnLaH PaDa YeSuS DaLam dOa-Mu...MaTiUs 7 : 7


One night a man had a

dream.  He dreamed he was

walking along the beach with

the Lord.  Across the sky

flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two

sets of footprints in the sand :

one belonging to him, and the

other to the Lord.


When the last scene of his

life flashed before him, he

looked back at the footprints

in the sand.  He noticed that

many times along the path of

his life there was only one set

of footprints.  He also noticed

that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in

his life.


This really bothered him

and he questioned the Lord

about it.  "Lord, You said that

once I decided to follow You,

You'd walk with me all the

way.  But I have noticed that

during the most troublesome

times in my life, there is only

one set of footprints.  I don't

understand why when I needed

You most You would leave



The Lord replied, "My son,

My precious child, I love you

and would never leave you.

During your times of trial

and suffering, when you see

only one set of footprints, it

was then that I carried you."


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BaCk tO ThE ToP Of hAnNy'S HoMePaGeS.....