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This KIMBALL GENEALOGY (N.E. Louisiana) site is owned by
Judy Kimball Hise.

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The Louisiana Native Ring

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is owned by
Judy Kimball Hise.
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This Genealogy Family site is owned by
Judy Kimball-Hise.

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Genealogy On The Web Member

This Genealogy On The Web Ring site
is owned by
Judy Kimball-Hise.

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This page and all pages
connected to this one (with exception
of the actual links on the link page)
was created & first copyrighted
by Judy Kimball Hise on Oct 22, 1996.

Last Modified: Thursday,
June 18, 1998 at 12:15 PM -
copyrighted Jan1, 1998 by
@copy Judy Kimball Hise