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Thanks for checking out the applicationz section of Digex Warez.   We don't have many appz yet but we are working hard to get a lot more.



AddWeb - Useful program that adds you website to over 200 search engines

Alarm Clock - Pretty cool program that acts like an alarm clock

AniMagic - Lets you make animated .gif files

Bullet Proof FTP - Great FTP program


CD Spectrum Pro - Exellent CD player for the PC

Clean Sweep 95 - I believe it uninstalls software and cleans up your hard drive (gets rid of lost clusters, chains, etc)

Cool Mouse 97 - Allows you to customize your mouse properties easily

CuteFTP - Another great FTP program

EditPad - Like Notepad

Eudora Lite 3.01 - Most popular POP3 email software available


Getright 3.02 - Lets you pause and resume downloads

Home Site 3 - Simple Website maker

HyperCam 97 - I think it is software for video cameras that are connected to your PC


Kai's Power Goo - Lets you distort images


Microangelo - Lets you create animated .gif files

Microsoft NetMeeting - Speak to people over the internet

Net Page - Lets you page other people over the internet


Office Toys - Tools for Windows 95

Power Toys - Extra tools for Windows 95

Print Shop Deluxe - Great program for making greeding cards and other things like that


Reaper Bot 0.81 - Lets you play a multiplayer game of quake against computer players

Submit Wolf 3.06 - Another program that adds your website to a lot of search engines


US Robotics 33.6 Upgrade - Upgrade your 33.6K US Robotics modem to a 56K

WinAMP - Best MP3 player

Win Nuke 95 - Nice Nuking program

WinRAR 2.02 - Great program that lets you extract the files from .RAR files


ZIP Explorer Pro - Nice program for ZIPing and unZIPing .ZIP files