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In Charge Of Coding, 3D Graphics, Effects

In Charge Of Coding, Music Making, And Ansi/Ascii

In Charge Of Coding, Cracking, And Hacking

As a coding team our job is to code (Duh!), here are some of the projects we have done so far in graphics : (All were coded in Pascal/C++/Assembly)


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1. Bump Mapping - Coded By CyberLord.

2. Fire Effect - Coded By CyberLord.

3. Texture Mapping - Coded By Cryonix.

4. Glenzing - Coded By Polaric.

5. Multi Rendering - Coded By CyberLord.


As a coder i know how hard it is to code stuff, especially graphics, without anything to support or teach, or even show what the hell is this effect or how the hell am i supposed to code it. This is the reason why people started making all these text files about algorithms, formulas and explanations about how to code. However some texts are more harmful than helpful, and just blow your mind with BIG formulas and wrong conclussions, that's why i will put here the ONLY texts i find as good (In the previous version there are programs i made according to some texts).
I hope you'll find these texts helpful, and that you find what you want.

One trainer i know helped me alot, and i'm sure every beginner in coding, that today knows something, is the ASPHYXIA graphics trainer. It has great explanation about everything (almost :)), and there's a sample demo to every topic, where you can see what is the damn thing supposed to look like (or not supposed to).
Anywayz, here it is : the full ASPHYXIA trainer, a must for every newbie in coding, 21 tutors, from putpixel procedures to texture mapping : (547KB)

Choose A Topic You Would Like To Know About :
1. Basics Of Compuer Graphics
2. Bump Mapping.
3. Polygon Rotation, Filling And Shading.
4. Fire Effect.
5. Texture Mapping.
6. Scrolling.
7. Phong Shading.
8. Optimization.

Basics Of Computer Graphics

The most important thing for a newbie in computer graphics is ofcoz the basics : how to plot a pixel, how to draw a line, how to flip screens, how to use virtual memory, All these are the basics for computer graphics, without them you CANNOT code any other things, more advanced (unless you rip someone's code).
Here Is A Pack Of Text Files About The Basics Of Computer Graphics - (21KB)

Bump Mapping

Bump Mapping is a very cool effect, it shows a spotlight going on the screen in a certain path, and everywhere it goes the light shows what it's lighting (a map/ bitmap), the bump mapping also shows the diffrences between heights in the map. The Effect can be done with a rectangular light (weird) which is easy, or you can add a circular map and thus making the light, yes round !
Here Is a pack of texts about bump mapping - (7KB)

Flat And Gouraud Shading

The next step after creating a polygon and rotating it, is make the faces change color according to a light source of some sort, the roughest way of calculating that is called "Flat Shading". This technique is used to determine each face with it's shade according to a formula, this is not very realistic and as a result another technique was created. Why will every face have only one color, why dont every pixel have a color, this is a much more realistic technique, and a VERY fast one, after this comes the most realistic way of imitating light : Phong shading. This is however VERY slow an thus not very useable for realtime rendering, that's why gouraud is much more practical.
Here Is A Pack Of Texts About Flat And Gouraud Shading - (72KB)

Fire Effect

The fire effect is one of the basics in graphics programming, it's a rather simple effect, which shows fire on the screen (NO WAY), and the fire's burning like real fire, along with this fire effect is the pallate change which is connected to the fire itself (fire with no good colors is no fire :)).
Here Is A Pack Of Files About How To Make Fire Code - (8KB)

Texture Mapping

Texture mapping is a very cool type of polygon rendering, it's a not-so-simple thing to do (many calculations and formulas), but it's far cooler than just filling a polygon, the basic idea is to "stick" a bitmap (picture of you or your dog(?) or something) on a 3 dimentional object. Sounds hard and difficult, but with the help of a few text files (which i'm going to supply ofcoz) it's not going to be very hard.
Here Is A Pack Of Text Files About Texture Mapping - (195KB)


You all probably know what scrolling is, but for the sake of those who don't - scrolling is when you move something, let's say a text from one side of the screen to the other, or when you scroll an entire screen so it looks like you move. There are more complex ways of scrolling, which involves sine waves, and it looks like the text "swims" on your screen. In this section the texts will be only on "regular" scrolling. We're talking horizontal scrolling (text usually) and vertical scrolling (tile based world usually).
Here Are Some Texts To Help You On The Subject - (26KB)

Phong Shading

Phong Shading is the most realistic way of showing an object, this type of rendering uses cosines to determine the exact light falloff and intensity. However, this is more difficult to do than gouraud, or flat shaading, and it's also a VERY slow rendering type, for realtime it's very unpractical, gouraud is less accurate, but it's good side is the speed, the diffrences between accuracies are not so much, that is why most games use gouraud shading, and not phong. However, if you do want to make a simple phong demo, the speed isn't much of a factor.
So, Here Are Some Texts On The Subject - (30KB)


Now we are coming to a very important subject - optimization, or in other words how to improve your code, so it wont take an hour to see 3 frames. This is done by many ways, such as fixed point alrorithms, which is used to avoid using float variables, and instead use a word or double word variables to store the fractional part of the number, there are more ways of optimizing your code, this also depends on your computer, there are also optimizations for PENTIUMS, and for other computers.
Here Are Some Texts About Optimization - (98KB)


Here Are Some Cool Links Involving Codings And Programming :

1. The Official Site Of Borland.

If You Want To Ask Us, Or Comment About Something, You Can Reach Us, By Either E-mailing Me Or By E-mailing Cryonix , We Will Try And Answer As Many Letters As Possible.

Coders Have Visited This Coding Page Since The 25/09/97