chanserv set


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal autovop <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel autovop on
Islev: Kanal'a giren herkese arti verir.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal ident <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel ident on
Islev: Komut aktif oldugunda kanal operatörleri op olmadan önce nick sifrelerini girmek zorundadirlar. NickServ Access Listesi göz önünde bulundurulmaz


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal opguard <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel opguard on
Islev: Kanal AOp,SOp listesinde olmayanlara op vermeyi engeller.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal topiclock <founder/sop/aop> <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel topiclock on sop
Islev: Bu komutla hangi yetkideki operatörlerin topic'i degistirebilecegi girilir.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal keeptopic <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel topiclock on sop
Islev: Komut aktif oldugunda, kanalda kimse olmadiginda chanserv topic'i kaydeder ve yeniden biri girdiginde topic'i yeniden girer.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal restrict <on/off>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel restrict on
Islev: Komut aktif oldugu zaman kanala kanal yetki listesinde olmayanlar giremez.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal founder
Örnek: /cs set #kanal founder B´z
Islev: Sadece founder olarak kisi tarafindan kullanilabilir. Kanalin founder'ini degistirmeye yarar.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal memolevel vop/aop/sop/NONE
Örnek: /cs set #Channel memolevel aop
Islev: This command will set what level of access a user has to have to send memos to the channel. if NONE is set, only the founder can send memos.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal url <YourURL>
/cs set #kanal url NONE (This will delete the URL)
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel url
Islev: This command will let the founder to add a URL to the channels info.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal DESC <description>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChannel desc The home of Greennet's brilliant helpers
Islev: This command will set the channels description in its info.


Kullanim: /cs set email #kanal <email>
Örnek: /cs set email #NewChannel [email protected]
Islev: This command will add the founders email to the channels info.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal passwd <new password>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChanne passwd theNEWpassword
Islev: This command will change a channels password.


Kullanim: /cs set #kanal mlock <+|- modes>
Örnek: /cs set #NewChanne passwd theNEWpassword
Islev: /cs set #NewChannel mlock +rtn