Shroomatf's stats Shroomatf's Game Stats
Name: Shroomatf
Age: 18
Height: 6'3" with 15 inches of....
Weight: 189 pounds + those whores he always has
Fave Band: Led Zeppelin
Fave Quote: "All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be." -Pink Floyd
Email: [email protected]
ICQ # 31615692
Rank: Supreme Allied Commander of the Shroom Squad
Kills: 3000
Deaths: 1800
Number of times played: 500
Number of times high while playing: 499
Number of times concious while playing: 1
Number of times swearing profusely while playing: 500
Who is Shroomatf?
"I like my alcohol hard. My drugs Shroomy. And my women easy. I hope to one day sleep in the gutter of every city in the U.S. But most of all, remember that all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be." -Shroomatf.

"Knowing Shroomatf personally, I can honestly say that this man needs help. That is all" -Shroomfoo

"When I think of myself, i think to myself, damn u think a lot about urself. What was the question? What the hell? Why are u asking me about Shroomatf? Let's talk about me some more."-The lil nip

The truth is that no one knows the deepness of Shroomatf. How deep is he? As deep as the ocean my friend. A child of the 80's born a generation too late, he loves to chump his other friends in his amazing knowledge of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones. He also possesses the cunning of the "drunken master fighting technique" thus he never goes into a game sober. Except that one game where the world was out of whack.
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How many times do i have to say that they are dope?



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