Diane Leroux

5454 High On Life Hwy

San Francisco, CA 09547

Phone/Fax: (902) 586-9494

e-mail: [email protected]


To share the knowledge that I have learned and use it to help others to improve their lives and set up a better future for them selves.



Lyndon State College, Lyndonville Vermont

Social Service

Basic Social Skills


Lake Region Union High School Orleans Vermont

College Preparatory Classes

Grade 12 graduation

Work Experience


Head Advisor of The Sunshine for Happiness Collation

Involved- supervision of the counselors that worked for the collation

Assigning cases to the counselors and taking care of the business side of things.


Bartender- Various restaurants in the area

Often Involved listening to lonely peoples problems and trying to help them


People Helping People Organization

Assistant Counselor

Involved- listening to people and assessing their needs and finding programs that would work with them to improve their situations

Volunteer Experience


Help organize and contribute to the Clothes for a Warmer Winter Foundation


Serve Holiday meals for the less fortunate at the local Catholic Church


Available on request