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(1) Bartlett, R.D. and Bartlett Patricia P. 1995. Chameleons: Everything about Selection, Care, Nutrition, Diseases, Breeding, and Behavior. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.

(2) Davison, Linda, J. 1997. Chameleons: Their Care and Breeding . Blaine, WA : Hancock House Publishers

(3) De Vosjoli, Philippe, and Ferguson, Gary. 1995. Care and Breeding of : Panther, Jackson's, Veiled, and Parson's Chameleons. Santee, CA : Advanced Vivarium Systems, Inc.

(4) De Vosjoli, Philippe. 1990. The General Care and Maintenance of True Chameleons: Part I Husbandry. Lakeside, CA: Advanced Vivarium Systems, Inc.

(5) Le Berre, Francois. 1995. The New Chameleon Handbook: Everything about Selection, Care, Diet, Diseases, Reproduction, and Behavior. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.

(6) Martin, James. 1992. Masters of Disguise: A Natural History of Chameleons. New York, NY : Facts On File, Inc.

(7) Necas, Petr. 1999. Chameleons Nature's Hidden Jewels. Malabar, FL : Krieger Publishing Company.

(8) Schmidt, W., Tamm, K, Wallikewitz, E. 1994. Chameleons: Volume I -Species. Neptune City ,NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc.

(9) Schmidt, W., Tamm, K, Wallikewitz, E. 1994. Chameleons: Volume II -Care and Breeding. Neptune City ,NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc.

(10) Lyon, William F.,  Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet Entomology Crickets

Ohio State University,1991 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1090

(11) Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc 1988 Fifteenth Edition Macroppaedia Volume 27 Pages 114-218 Sensory Reception

(12) NATURE VOL. 373 23 FEBRUARY 1995 PAGES 692-694 Negatively Powered Lens in the Chameleon's Eyes. Article by Matthias Ott and Frank Schaeffel of the University Eye Hospital, Department of Experimental Ophthalmology in Tubingen, Germany

(13) DRACO,  Terraristik-Themenheft   Nr. 1/2000 Jahrgang 1(1)  

(14) CITES  Notifications No. 1999/51 Geneva, 30 July 1999

(15) CITES  Notifications No. 1999/47 Geneva, 1 July 1999 CONCERNING: Export Quotas for 1999

(16) CITES Notifications No. 1999/21 Geneva, 12 March 1999 CONCERNING: Export Quotas for 1999

(17) Britannica Atlas, pages 134-159, Maps of Africa

(18) Microsoft Encarta 2000, Maps and Articles on Africa

Special thanks to :

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, West Chester Univ. of PA 

Kathie Kaiwi, Webmaster and List Owner Chameleon Journals 

Susan James, Mother of All Chameleons

and Carl Cattau Jr.,  for assistance with species lists

for their help and continuous review of the site.



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Revised: September 10, 2000 .

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This site can in no way be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of David Pickering. I have given credit where the author is known. If I have used any material without your permission or without the proper credit please inform me and it will be corrected.Copyright©2000 David Pickering.