
 public :
        RwrClass (int type, SimMoverClass*);    // Pass in the type index and the platform this RWR is mounted upon
        virtual ~RwrClass (void);

        virtual int ObjectDetected (FalconEntity*, int trackType) = 0; abstract class cannot be used by it self only in a derived form
        virtual void DisplayInit (ImageBuffer*);
        virtual void  GetAGCenter (float* x, float* y); // Center of rwr ground search

        static const int        RADIATE_CYCLE;          // How long (in ms) will we "coast" a radiating emitter
        static const int        TRACK_CYCLE;            // How long (in ms) will we "coast" a locked on emitter
        static const int        GUIDANCE_CYCLE;         // How long (in ms) will we "coast" a guiding emitter

        int CanSeeObject (SimObjectType*);                                      // Is object within my field of view?
        int BeingPainted (SimObjectType*);                                      // Is object illuminating us?
        int CanDetectObject (SimObjectType*);                           // Are emmisions strong enough to warrant annunciation?
        int CanDetectObject (FalconEntity*);                            // Are emmisions strong enough to warrant annunciation?
        void DrawEmitterSymbol (int symbolID, int boxed=0);     // Draw the specified symbol
        struct RwrDataType      *typeData;