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   Major John's
Silent Night
a bondage soap opera
( true stories of damsels in distress )
Rules of Play:

There are currently sixteen   women in Cleaveton in imminent danger of becoming   DiDs .  You can view the
gallery of possible victims and add your two cents worth in our poll.  <CLICK HERE>

All are originals from my personal collection.  Three are students at  the local  College,  two are housewives
bound and gagged during  Home invasions,  four are local businesswomen, and five are various women
ranging from housemaids to librarians to secretaries.
Submissions of photos from other's original collections are welcome:  Simply read the guidelines below
and send in photos of your DiD with a basic plot outline as to how she got that way and where  (library,
hospital,  office, etc....) and I'll add the appropriate locations and work her into the plot so she can feel right
at home in our charming little village.

Guests at the B&B are all ladies from mainstream movies and television.  Submissions also are welcome
but try and make them unique and not something easily found on all of the other DiD sites. Once again, give
me some background on the lady in question and we'll check her in - don't worry, there will be enough rooms
for everyone - room service available 24 hours!


Since this is a  'mainstream'  DiD site,  all damsels should be clothed appropriately.  Try and go for the
'girl next door'  look and spare us the  strippers with  38DDD chests and  motorcycle gang tatoos!  The
damsel can be a wife, girlfriend, aquaintance, etc...  We'll credit you for breaking the story, of course.
Also try and send in a photo unbound, so we can add her to the potential DiD gallery for a week or so
in advance to build up suspense  (a WAV file would be a great addition as well).
As will become obvious in future updates of my own material, I'm a big fan of the basic cleave gag.  Tape
and the like are welcome, but once again, this is mainstream and stuff shouldn't be too bizarre.

In the near future, I will be adding AVI files to really add to the action.  All will be as high quality as possible
and large downloads, but I think the trade-off will be worth it.  In the meantime, those with video capability
can check their damsels into the  B&B as well - just email me an address to download it from and we'll
see that she gets settled in nicely!

Any other suggestions are most welcome: Do you have a certain plotline you'd like to see developed, or a
long lost damsel that you'd like to see in the hotel? Let me know and we'll put out the request on the page
for submissions.  For the first few months, updates will be roughly every 10 days - after that, the plan is
for weekly updates  on Wednesdays.

[email protected]                                                                         

a proud tradition of bound and gagged damsels since 1066