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AN OPEN LETTERYou were conceived by two people who were in love for the first time. These two lovers were very young. Your birthmother was fourteen and your birthfather was sixteen when you were conceived. Naturaly their parents were very upset and knew they were to young to be able to take care of you. The decision to allow another family to raise you as their own was not an easy one. As the time drew near for you to be born, I (your birthmother) began to fear the events that would be taking place. I never wanted to lose you. In those days there wasn't alot of resources for a young unwed mother to access. When the day(Oct. 8th 1974) arrived and you made your entrance into this world I can't begin to tell you the emotional rollercoaster ride. You were the most beautiful child I had ever seen! I'll never forget how BEAUTIFUL you were. For five days I tried to convince everyone around me to allow me to raise you myself but it was not going to happen. There just wasn't anyway to manage it. I understand why now but I didn't then. And I hope You understand too!! I have never stopped loving you or thinking of you! So at five days old I finally signed the papers and the rest is a blur. I went home alone and tried to start over. You went to live with a family I didn't know. I prayed you've had a happy loving home. And some day you would want to meet me. WITH LOVE, your second mom |