The Cheat Page

Ok, face it. You just can't win. As hard as you try, the other enemies are just too strong. Not any more! These codes will put a new spin on the game, just as long as you don't mind being ranked a cheater!

every little thing she does.......give you all spells

hatchet.......the peons chops wood faster

on screen.......shows all the map

deck me out.......upgrade all

glittering prizes.......adds a lot of gold, lumber and oil

it is a good day to die.......makes you invisible you a lot of oil

there can be only one.......ends the game immediately

make it so.......builds faster

tigerlily.......enables level jumping

orc#, human# .......skip to the level specified by the # (you must do tigerlily first)

unite the clans.......victory

you pitiful worm.......loose instead of victory

never a winner.......lets you play after you achieved the objective

allowjumps.......Enables level jumping

cash.......Gold and lumber

fastbuild.......Increases speed of upgrades and new units/buildings

god.......Makes units ultra-powerful

humanx.......Jumps to human level x.

lumber.......Extra lumber

magic.......All magic spells

noglues.......Protection against enemy traps

orcx.......Jumps to orc level x

showpath.......Shows only portion of map you have traveled

showcoords.......Show coordinates

showmap.......Displays the entire map

title.......Enables/disables cheat mode

upgraade.......All of the unit/building upgrades

fastdemo.......Plays fighting clips in between levels

cosmic.......Unlimited Mana Back Home