Credits' page!!!

Here are the sites where I found the informations of my site:(And you can visit them too!!)

I've visited so many sites that I've forgot their names!!So if you recognize something here who's yours ,please let me a message,in which you'll  tell me your name'site and its adress!!(and I will put it like a link in order to permit everyone to go on your site too!!)

Angel's Sailor Moon World:

Bianca's Sailor Moon Gallery :

Arsonite's Dark Moon Kingdom:

SUPER Lan's Page :

Sailor Moon Euphoria :

Sailor Jupiter Ressource Center :

Aaron's Sailor Moon Page :

Al's page:




Eternal Sailor Moon Wonderland:

Luna's Sailor Gathering:

Blade's Lair:


Subarashii slayers 4 movie et sounds!:

KatC's Sm Goodies:

Senshi TV:

Gorgeous Moon Videos:

Dimp's Sailor Moon Movie Page: