Happy Birthday Kayde!
Scene: the 'Scaper Mansion, Ballroom
Raven_Kat was looking at a BIG, many tiered birthday cake.
"That's a big cake!" said Mouse2000.
"It has to be." Rae replied. "It's Kay's birthday and there is a big surprise inside."
"Oh oh, what KIND of surprise?" Mouse said.
"The Crais, Velorek and Larraq Mandroids are hiding inside." Rae confided. "When I give them the signal, they'll come out and do a Chippendale's dance for Kayde. KaraS said that that was the traditional birthday dance on this planet."
"Oh dear." Mouse said.
Later, at the party....
"Is it time for the cake yet?" Kayde asked hungrily, looking at the huge cake.
"Almost. There is a surprise first." Rae said. She cued the music.
Deep throbbing music filled the room. The top of the cake popped off and went flying into the fireplace. A feathered headdress popped up. The Crais Mandroid, wearing pink feathers in his hair, and a sequined pink bikini jumped out of the cake. Unfortunately, he tripped on the way out and tumbled down the side of the cake, landing at the bottom covered with cake and buttercreme frosting. The Larraq and Velorek Mandroids, similarly dressed, jumped out of the cake with only a little more grace. But they managed to get to the floor with a minimum of frosting on them. Then all three androids put their arms around eachother's shoulders and did a kick line.
"Oh no Rae! Those are Rockettes, not Chippendales!" Mouse exclaimed.
"No, this must be right. KaraS and ArtistStudio taught them this dance." Rae said.
KaraS hid behind a potted palm tree and ArtistStudio whistled and looked off into the distance.
"There is another dance too." Rae said. The music changed. The Funky Chicken started playing. The three Mandroids stuck their hands in their armpits and flapped their wings as they danced around.
Happy Birthday Kay! Not everybody gets dancing Mandroids for their birthday.
And aren't we glad.
Heh heh heh.
Cookie Cat -- Best Wishes!
LOL, KaraS! You know, it would be a lot of fun to have that kind of cake on my birthday, but I think my boyfriend would be VERY unhappy if I did!
Hope you have a great birthday, Kayde!
Cookie Cat
JilaCosa -- ROFLMAO!!! Happy Birthday Kayde!!!
Jila would love to give kay a birthday hug but she can't seem to remove herself from the floor from all the laughing she's doing at the Mandroids.
"May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!"
Jila has tears Streaming down her cheeks by the time the Mandroids finish the "Funky Chicken" dance and then, still half covered in frosting, cross over to kay to give her a group hug!
Love Ya Kid!
Perhaps this is one for the Archives! lol!
SunAeryn -- Hippy Birdies, fellow Scoob and May
bday buddy! :) Hope those mandroids don't make a mess at your house. ;)
BayouCat -- Happy Birthday Kayde!!!
And may you have many more glorious ones!!!
Mouse2000 -- Happy Day Kay!!!
Short but sweet. happy birthday!
Love. Mouse and mouseling
ps check out mouseling's movie at the scoobygroup
Chryse74 -- Hau’oli na Hanau Kayde!!!
<gasp> LOL <gasp> ROTFLMAO! <gasp>
Oh that is just too frelling funny!
<nudges Kayde tries to talk but can't because I'm laughing too hard!>
Happy birthday Kayde! What a great party!
Scaper1984 -- Happy Birthday!!! n/t
kayde -- Kayde rolls
on the floor laughing, and between tears of joy and hilariously LHAO, she hugs her friends. Thanks guys. You are the greatest!
CastorEL -- Happy Birthday, Your Most Deb-ness
I hope your day is filled with a number of wonderful surprises and little random pleasures! May all your memories today be of joyful things. May the world conspire to make you smile. May you walk with the air of someone secure in a love full of unbearable closeness.
May my sister forgive me for sins I've committed, now and in the future.
The Lost
Asharah -- Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday, Dear Kayde,
Happy Birthday To You.
Keeper of Rygel's "We have less than an arn. I was a Dominar. Take me longer than that to repent."
Viridian -- Happy Birthday honey
errrr... not YOU Honey-- I mean Deb!
I hope you had a lovely day!
grammykins -- Kayde, Happy belated Birthday!!!
I hope you had a beautiful day for your birthday and had lots of fun!! Rock on, Kayde!! Maureen aka grammykins.
JoeScaper1 -- Happy Belated Birthday, Kayde!
Grackene -- Happy B-Day
love ya
mfalcon -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!nt