The Archives
At the showers

Sword looks a bit perplexed. With all the different characters he been lately he's not sure where to go. Ragnar hooks a finger in his color and guides him along. After all what are friends for...

...gotta hurry though before something bad happens.

A quick cleanup then back to work

in2d3 -- Too bad the Phantom has rigged

the showers to spray root beer. All the "Scooby Gang" needs now is vanilla ice cream and they can make root beer floats.
Maybe you guys shoulds wash in the grotto.     

Annisette -- Rigged the showers huh?

Annisette is suspicious. While checking under the sink in one of the many bathrooms, he spies an unfamiliar attachment on the water pipes.

Looking closer, she realizes that the Phantom has attached the soda fountain in the ballroom kitchens directly to the water lines leading to the showers...will she get upstairs in time?