For PSP6.0 or higher
These frames can be pasted, saved, or unzipped in the picture frame folder in PSP 6. They are simple and easy to make and will automatically fit any picture that you want them around. First thing you will have to do if you decide to make them is go to preferences in psp under file in the menu bar and make a few simple changes. You will click on and bring up File Format Associations, click on Paint Shop Pro Image (if is NOT already checked) then highlight it. Next you will click on extensions. Another small window will appear click on add and type in pfr, click on that extension to highlight it then click on preferred. Click ok. You will know that you have done this correctly if you scan back down to Paint Shop Pro Image and the pfr is in front of the psp extension. Note that you may have to close down psp for the extension to show and also you can change the preferred extension when ever you want to go back to psp as your preferred dominant extension. Just repeat the steps above… highlight psp and click on preferred. I start out with a rather large screen 400 w X 450 h, transparent. You can go smaller or do a crop later if you want.
. Next I go to view and turn on the grid,
I do a fill
I choose the selection tool
. The center is now clear. Defloat the selection and hide the grid .
From there I go to image and create a beveled look. I have a folder of plugin filters called frames that I have
included in this tutorial, I used the frame#2, but this is just a matter
of choice. I decorate the frame with tubes
Next time that you click on Picture frames you should see YOUR frame among the ones that were included in the program. . Bonus! There are 34 frames in this ZIP plus this tutorial If you unzip these frame filters to a folder and do a paste of that folder in the psp plug-in folder they should work. You may have to close down psp and reopen it before they work. That is what I did. Good Luck.
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