

1. Choose a graphic you want to use for this tute.

Pictures with waterfalls are really pretty and have great results!!

For this tute I'm using this picture:


2. With the selection tool set to elipse, feather-2, make an elipse in your pic. Depending on the graphic, you may not necessarily be starting in the center. Capture what you want and then copy and paste to a new image size 400x400 transparent, no marching ants.


3. Next you will be making the fringes and this is how you do it:

Using the Retouch tool (the hand with pointing finger), use these settings:

Click on the middle tab and select Smudge.


Start at the very edge of the bottom of your graphic,

holding the left button down on your mouse, make small strokes downward like so:

Be careful of how far you go in because you may lose some of the picture.


4. The next step is beveling.

You can use your favorite bevel filter such as 

eyecandy or ulead web plugins to finish this off.

Add a drop shadow and you're done!!!!! Here's mine!!!



Copyright � 2000 by Rav4GirlXoX, all rights reserved


I, Rav4GirlXoX, grant Ldy Archrr permission this day, October 20, 2000 to post my Making Fringes Edges tutorial on her website. The tutorial itself was written by me based on how I perceived the graphics being made in PSP.

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