. . You will need the Almathera Puddle Filter for this tut
I've never written a tut before so I hope I don't leave anything out. . First I opened a image 185x300 with a white
background and flood filled . Then I found a tube I wanted to use and copy>paste>as new layer into the image. . I then used the Selection Tool and selected the area that I wanted to have the water reflect.
With the ants marching, make 2 more copies by using Shift and D. . On your first image go to Image.Plug Ins>Almathera>Puddle. I used the following settings LAKE 170 Reflection 20 Displacement 45 Lighting Strength 3 Perspective 30 Scale Save the image as a .psp file. . Use the Almathera Filter on the next image with the same settings except for the Scale, change it to 25 and save as a .psp file. . Use the Almathera Filter on the last image and use the same settings except for the Scale, change it to 20 and save as a .psp file. . Next you will need to open Run Animation Shop. Go to File>Animation Wizard. . First Screen: Select same size as the first image frame>Next . Second Screen: Transparent>Next . Third Screen: Upper left corner of the frame with the canvas color>Next . Fourth Screen: Yes, repeat indefinitely How long? 30>Next . Fifth Screen: Add images>Next . Sixth Screen: Finish . Now click on View>Animation And there you have your finished image!! . Name it and save it :-)
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