


1. I opened a small picture I had while in PSP.

2. Then I went to 'selections' at the top and selected everything.

3. Then I went back to 'Selections" and chose to 'modify' and used the 'transparent color' tool, and set it to 'transparent' and set the 'tolerance' to a whopping 35(lol).

4. I went to 'File" and opened the 'run animation shop' and opened that program.

5. I copied my image after using the 'modify' tool.

6. Went into the animation shop and clicked on the 'file' then 'new animation' button(s).

7. After I set everything up according to the picture I was animating, I pasted the picture into a frame.

8. I selected the frame and decided I was entirely too lazy to animate it myself.

9. So, I clicked on the 'effects' button and then selected 'image transitions'.


I picked what I wanted my picture to do with the things they had listed in the box this small arrow is pointing to and clicked 'ok' and then saved it, and sent it to you! I hope the picture is read-able..!


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Today, 10-19-00 I give you my tutorials, they are yours, all I request is that my name appear on the site next to them and you can do with them what you want.

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