Disney World
My Second Journey
In 1999

Slightly crooked side view of the castle..

Mark, Krissy and Me
Here we are at the
Happiest place on earth and no
one is smiling...

Me and Krissy
At least I forced myself to smile in this pic..

Me, Goofy and Krissy
We love Goofy!
Well at least I do!
Guess shes jes not a smiler..

Me and Neil
Sitting down for a break..
And still no smiles..

Krissy and Myself
Arnt we jes the cutest things  :)
Ohhhh look...  smiles!!!  hehehe

Me and Neil again...
Gotta love Pooh!
More smiles!!!!  YAY!!!

Me and Krissy again..
HeHe shes prolly gonna shoot me for not blocking
her face out of these pictures...
Oh lookie... No more smiles...  :(
(I dun have a clue why we werent smiling the whole time)

Well I would tell u about everything we did while
we were there but that was back in December so I don't
really remember that well...
All i really remember is during the parade
The Big Bad Wolf  went to shake my
hand but snatched my arm up and scared the
crap out of me though he jes did that
to kiss my hand... Neil got a big
kick out of  how i got scared... Lets see...
Krissy scared the crap out of Mark
on the Haunted Mansion..
He was looking in the mirrors at the
ghosts and Krissy was in the nest cart and she
reached over and grabbed him..
He jumped from where he was sitting and landed on me
screaming, then swore that she didn't scare him..
What else.... ok... I was in pain most of the time,
I hurt my ankle somehow..
Neil bought a $30.00 pizza that
tasted really really really really bad and
Krissy yelled at him for it...
Thats pretty much all I remember....