What it takes to maintain your site

1. Change your inventory!

* Your inventory will change. You'll sell cars, you'll buy cars. Up until now, dealers have been reluctant to establish a web site, because they didn't know how to maintain it. Sarrick Systems can help in two ways.

* We have made our sites easy to change. If you have access to a computer that's connected to the Internet, you can change your site easily, in minutes, whenever you want.

* You can fax us the changes, and we'll make them for you, quickly and inexpensively. Pictures can be sent Priority mail for $3, which arrives here in 1 or 2 days.

2. Make any other changes that are necessary.

People really will read your site, they'll want all the information they use to be correct. A quick read through once in a while will make sure that your is still current.