Hello!! I go by many names but you can call me morpheous alexander and I am a "Boy Lover".

You may call me sick or perverted or anything you want ive heard it all before and I really dont care. You may feel the need to send me a detailed e mail describing the wrongness of BOY LOVE in your opinion. If it has anything of value I will take into consideration, on the other hand if it is just a load of rightwing bigotted ranting cr*p feel free to take it elsewhere because it will be quickly added to my ignore list with all due respect of course.

Those who come here with an open mind and are willing to learn then WELCOME !!! Make yourself at home and I will share with you what I know :)

This is my first web page. It is about me, truth, and mostly Boy Love. Im 22 years old live in Vancouver Canada  and I like BOYS :) A few other factoids about me: I like scuba diving, collecting and breeding tarantulas and all sorts of other large insects like praying mantis ect. I love anything to do with the outdoors, camping, hikeing stuff like that. Im also a hardcore ska8boarder. Im into sports, drawing and writing. I will tell you some of my personal philosophy. Please bare with me there is a bit of reading to do. So grab a bag of popcorn and a can of pop and I will try to make this a little better than having a tooth pulled. If there is anything you would really like to know about me please send an e mail and ask !!! it will help me to make this page better. I will be happy to answer any questions. Dont worry I dont bite... unless you ask me to ;)

BOIIIIIIIIIIIZ !!! I like kids in general, but for some reason ive always had a special attraction to boys. All my life I wished that I had a brother, someone to talk to and to be there for when things get tough to teach and to learn from and to stand up for :) Would I ever hurt a child ?? the answer is a resounding NO !!! am I sexually attracted to boys ?? yes. I dont go out looking for kids like some candy in  the pockets trench coat wearing pervert. Im just a guy who never grew up :) I like the same things the kids do sk8 boardin, sports, music, crawly bugs ect ;) For some reason I get along well with kids of any age and adults too !!! but you know what, I often perfer the company of the young ones because they dont judge people, they see them for who they are. They dont worry about war, politics the price of tea in china or which fork should be used when eating salad ;)  they just like to have fun !!! I also beleive children have a lot to teach adults, they are meant to be seen and heard !!! These days it seems to many adults wont take the time to listen to kids... its sad.

All my life ive felt a deep cold lonelieness. but I have many kewl friends who keep me company !!! I care for them all very much !!! im willing to give up my own life in a heartbeat to protect my friends. Afterall they have been there for me many times when my life was close to an end.

Although ive spent most of my life in martial arts I do not believe in fighting exccept to protect my life or the life of somone else. life is like a school, we are here to learn. I follow the teachings of nature these are the basic rules of life. All life is valueable and should be respected. treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself, control your fear, do not let your fear control you. whatever we put into life weather good or bad, it will eventually come back to us. Always be yourself and do not be afraid to voice your opinion, people may try to silence you, because it is human nature to fear that wich we do not understand.

but never give up !!!

I had a very difficult childhood as many people do. in my younger years I was a VERY small child and was a perfect target for bullies. It was also in these years during elementary school when I first realised that I was attracted to other boys in my class. I became a loner and never told anyone my feelings. The years went by and I was convinced that I was str8 yadda yadda I guess I was wrong ;) im not str8 but im not gay or bi either... actually im still trying to figure out who I am. Just taking my time and having fun along the way !!! Someday i hope to meet that special boy who needs somone as much as I do and I will always be there for him :)

We all need to talk to someone sometimes, no matter what age we are. I am a good listener and im usually online at least once a day. If theres something wrong or youre feeling alone and just want to talk, my door is always open  and I will do anything I can to help. You can reach me at [email protected] I like to make new friends online, and I believe in honesty and never letting my friends down !!! :)    BTW: I also ICQ but id like to get to know you first before giving my UIN number.


