Races part II
Shang first off i thought this race sucks, but in a regular game they dominate. I dont think there as good as yamato though, but i noticed that they were good because of the peasent cheap ness, you save quite a bit of food. Because when i was playin a regular game. My ally was in bronze wile i was still in tool gatherin food, and by the time i started goin to bronze he was in iron with an army of calvary allready attacking....you should really try and calvary rush with this race, because they dont have balistics so they wont last when people are in iron age.
This race isnt ment for a RM well maybe it is doesn't matter. for those who said that there ships suck man. every time i did a sea game i fined these ships useful with the rangee. they get off a lot of shots on a tireme, so they jack the ship up before it gets to them. Hittie
Egyptian This is my Friends favorite race so far, mainly because the conversion range is 16, when upgraded. So you can be in a safe distant while attackin with what ever and convert units. This race is rather ok in a Dm and Rm.

The Races part III

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