This is a place that has many resources which can be used on the web. It mainly foucs on java. What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is a cross platform language. Java compiler compiles Java source code into bytecodes for portability. These bytecodes are then interpreted by a Java "virtual machine" that is written for the the cpu processor�s architecture the program is running on.

Java is an exciting new language that solves some interestingproblems that plague distributed computing environments. Java has the potential to transform the Internet from an information delivery medium to an interactive computing environment.

Applets are part of Java code designed to specialize the class to extend the browser. They may also include other classes. Classlibraries in the browser provide input and display. The applets run locally, in the browser, but can still communicate over thenetwork to the originating Web server. Here I ulitize Java to enhance web pages and provide resources for furture learning.

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Most graphics and all contents copyrighted by Steve Trieu(TrueCrow).
If you would like anything please feel free to contact me at [email protected].